قراءة كتاب Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I

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Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I

Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

fuerit, until the bowels have been loosened.

Donec dol. neph. exulav., donec dolor nephriticus exulaverit, until the nephritic pain has been removed.

D., dosis, a dose.

Eburn., eburneus, made of ivory.

Ed., edulcorata, edulcorated.

Ejusd., ejusdem, of the same.

Elect., electuarium, an electuary.

Enem., enema, a clyster.

Exhib., exhibeatur, let it be administered.

Ext. sup. alut. moll., extende super alutam mollem, spread upon soft leather.

F., fac, make; fiat, fiant, let it be made, let them be made.

F. pil., fiant pilulæ, let pills be made.

Fasc., fasciculus, a bundle.

Feb. dur., febre durante, during the fever.

Fem. intern., femoribus internis, to the inside of the thighs.

F. venæs., fiat venæsectio, let venesection be performed.

F. H., fiat haustus, let a draught be made.

Fict., fictilis, earthen.

Fil., filtrum, a filter.

Fist. arm., fistula armata, a clyster-pipe and bladder fitted for use.

Fl., fluidus, fluid.

F. L. A., fiat lege artis, let it be made by the rules of art.

F. M., fiat mistura, let a mixture be made.

F. S. A., fiat secundum artem, let it be made according to art.

Gel. quav., gelatina quavis, in any jelly.

G. G. G., gummi guttæ gambæ, gamboge.

Gr., granum, a grain; grana, grains.

Gr. vj pond., grana sex pondere, six grains by weight.

Gtt., gutta, a drop; guttæ, drops.

Gtt. quibusd., guttis quibusdam, with some drops.

Guttat., guttatim, by drops.

Har. pil. sum. iij, harum pilularum sumantur tres, of these pills let three be taken.

H. D., or hor. decub., horâ decubitûs, at bedtime.

H. P., haustus purgans, purging draught.

H. S., horâ somni, at the hour of going to sleep.

Hor. un. spætio, horæ unius spatio, at the expiration of one hour.

Hor. interm., horis intermediis, in the intermediate hours.

Hor. 11mâ mat., horâ undecimâ matutinâ, at 11 o’clock in the morning.

Ind., indies, daily.

In pulm., in pulmento, in gruel.

Ind. Ph., Indian Pharmacopœia.

Inf., infunde, infuse.

Inj. enem., injiciatur enema, let a clyster be thrown up.

Jul., julepus, julapium, a julep.

Kal. ppt., kali præparatum, prepared kali (potassæ carbonas).

Lat. dol., lateri dolenti, to the affected side.

M., misce, mix; mensurâ, by measure; manipulus, a handful; minimum, a minim.

Mane pr., mane primo, early in the morning.

Man., manipulus, a handful.

Min., minimum, a minim, the 60th part of a drachm measure.

M. P., massa pilularum, a pill mass.

M.R., mistura, a mixture.

Mic. pan., mica panis, crumb of bread.

Mitt., mitte, send; mittantur, let them be sent.

Mitt. sang. ad ℥xij, mitte sanguinem ad ℥xij, take blood to twelve ounces.

Mod. præscr., modo præscripto, in the manner directed.

Mor. dict., more dicto, in the way ordered.

Mor. sol., more solito, in the usual way.

Ne tr. s. num., ne tradas sine nummo, do not deliver it without the money.

No., numero, in number.

N. M., nux moschata, a nutmeg.

O., octarius, a pint.

Ol. lini s. i., oleum lini sine ligné, cold-drawn linseed oil.

Omn. hor., omni horâ, every hour.

Omn. bid., omni biduo, every two days.

Omn. bih., omni bihorio, every two hours.

O. M., or omn. man., omni mane, every morning.

O. N., or omn. noct., omni nocte, every night.

Omn. quadr. hor., omni quadrante horæ, every quarter of an hour.

O. O. O., oleum olivæ optimum, best olive oil.

Ov., ovum, an egg.

Oz., the ounce avoirdupois.

P. æ., part. æqual., partes æquales, equal parts.

P. d., per deliquium, by deliquescence.

Past., pastillus, a pastil, or ball of paste.

P., pondere, by weight.

Ph. D., Pharmacopœia Dubliniensis.

Ph. E., Pharmacopœia Edinensis.

Ph. L., Pharmacopœia Londinensis.

Ph. U. S., Pharmacopœia of the United States.

Part. vic., partitis vicibus, in divided doses.

Per. op. emet., peractâ operatione emetici, the operation of the emetic being over.

Pocul., poculum, a cup.

Pocill., pocillum, a small cup.

Post sing. sed. liq., post singulas sedes liquidas, after every loose stool.

Ppt., præparata, prepared.

P. r. n., pro re nata, occasionally.

P. rat. ætat., pro ratione ætatis, according to the age.

Pug., pugillus, a pinch, a gripe between the thumb and the two first fingers.

Pulv., pulvis, pulverizatus, a powder, pulverised.

Q. l., quantum lubet, } as much as you

Q. p., quantum placet,} please.

Q. s., quantum sufficiat, as much as may suffice.

Quor., quorum, of which.

Q. V., quantum vis, as much as you will.

Red. in pulv., redactus in pulverem, reduced to powder.

Redig. in pulv., redigatur in pulverem, let it be reduced into powder.

Reg. umbil., regio umbilici, the umbilical region.

Repet., repetatur, or repetantur, let it, or them, be repeated.

S. A., secundum artem, according to art.

Scat., scatula, a box.

S. N., secundum naturam, according to nature.

Semidr., semidrachma, half a drachm.

Semih., semihora, half an hour.

Sesunc., sesuncia, half an ounce.

Sesquih., sesquihora, an hour and a half.

Si n. val., si non valeat, if it does not answer.

Si op. sit, si opus sit, if it be necessary.

Si vir. perm., si vires permittant, if the strength allow it.

Signat., signatura, a label.

Sign. n. pr., signetur nomine proprio, let it be written upon, let it be signed with the proper name (not the trade name).

Sing., singulorum, of each.

S. S. S., stratum super stratum, layer upon layer.

Ss., semi, a half.

St., stet, let it stand; stent, let them stand.

Sub fin. coct., sub finem coctionis, towards the end of boiling, when the boiling is nearly finished.

Sum. tal., sumat talem, let the patient take one such as this.

Summ., summitates, the summits or tops.

Sum., sume, sumat, sumatur,
