قراءة كتاب The Catholic World, Vol. 02, October, 1865 to March, 1866 A Monthly Eclectic Magazine

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‏اللغة: English
The Catholic World, Vol. 02, October, 1865 to March, 1866
A Monthly Eclectic Magazine

The Catholic World, Vol. 02, October, 1865 to March, 1866 A Monthly Eclectic Magazine

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

of, 119.
Tropics, Gleanings from the Natural History of, 178The Clouds and the Poor, 213The Bible; or, Christmas Eve, 397.
The Adventure, 848.

World, Religious Statistics of the, 491.


An English Maiden's Love, 27.

Better Late than Never, 454.
Books, 495.

Children, The, 70.
Christmas Carol, A, 419, 559.
City Aspirations, 680.

"Dum  Spiro Spero," 159.

Falling Stars, 348.

Inquietus, 704
Kirkstall Abbey, 36.
Keviaar, Pilgrimage to, 127.

Little Things, 836.

Properzia Rossi, 235.
Patience, 812.

Resigned, 654.

Song of the Year, 490.
Saint Elizabeth, 529.

Tender and True and Tried, 385.
The Round of the Waters, 396.
The Better Part, 757.

Unshed Tears, 789.

Winter Signs, 198.



Archbishop Hughes's Complete Works, 282.
American Republic, The, 714.
Andrew Johnson, Life of, 856.

Banim's Works, 286.
Baker, Rev. F. A., Memoir and Sermons of, 566.
Brownson's American Republic, 714.
Brincker, Hans, 719.

Catholic Anecdotes, 287.
Cobden, Richard, Career of, 860.
Complete Works of Archbishop Hughes, 282.
Croppy, The, 859.

Darras' History of the Church, 143.
De Guérin, Eugénie, Journal of, 716.
Draper's Civil Policy of America, 858.

England, Froude's History of, 676.

Faith, the Victory, Bishop McGill's,
