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قراءة كتاب Lancashire Folk-lore Illustrative of the Superstitious Beliefs and Practices, Local Customs and Usages of the People of the County Palatine

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Lancashire Folk-lore
Illustrative of the Superstitious Beliefs and Practices,
Local Customs and Usages of the People of the County

Lancashire Folk-lore Illustrative of the Superstitious Beliefs and Practices, Local Customs and Usages of the People of the County Palatine

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

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Beal-tine or Beltane Fires; Relics of Baal Worship 45 Boggarts, Ghosts, and Haunted Places 49 Boggart Hole Clough 50 Boggarts or Ghosts in Old Halls 51 House Boggarts, or Labouring Goblins 56 Hornby Park Mistress and Margaret Brackin 59 Boggarts in the Nineteenth Century 61 CHARMS AND SPELLS. Charms and Spells against Evil Beings 62 A Charm, written in Cypher, against Witchcraft and Evil Spirits 63 The Crow Charm and the Lady-bird Charm 70 Pimpernel 71 The Mountain Ash, or Wicken or Wiggen Tree 72 Charms to Cure Sickness, Wounds, Cattle Distemper, etc. 74 Charms for the Toothache 75 Vervain, for Wounds, etc. 76 Charms to Stop Bleeding 77 Touching for the King's Evil 77 Cures for Warts 78 Cure for Hydrocephalus in Cattle 79 Cattle Disorders.—The Shrew Tree in Carnforth 79 Charms for Ague 80 Stinging of Nettles 80 Jaundice 80 To Procure Sleep by Changing the Direction of the Bed 80 THE DEVIL, DEMONS, &c. The Devil 81 Raising the Devil 83 The Devil and the Schoolmaster at Cockerham 83 Old Nick 84 Demonology 86 Demon and Goblin Superstitions 88 Dispossessing a Demoniac 92 Demoniacal Possession in 1594 92 Demoniacal Possession in 1689 98 DIVINATION.
