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قراءة كتاب Every Man his own Doctor The Cold Water, Tepid Water, and Friction-Cure, as Applicable to Every Disease to Which the Human Frame is Subject, and also to The Cure of Disease in Horses and Cattle

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Every Man his own Doctor
The Cold Water, Tepid Water, and Friction-Cure, as
Applicable to Every Disease to Which the Human Frame is
Subject, and also to The Cure of Disease in Horses and

Every Man his own Doctor The Cold Water, Tepid Water, and Friction-Cure, as Applicable to Every Disease to Which the Human Frame is Subject, and also to The Cure of Disease in Horses and Cattle

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

in the “Bibliothèque” in Paris, written by medical men on the introduction of the potato into France, to shew that fevers which raged at that time in the capital arose from the use of that vegetable.

Thus, it will be seen, speculative opinions are but of little value—we want facts; and unless we are prepared to discredit the evidence of the many respectable professional men, and others, whose names are here given, the value of hydropathy must be admitted.

The learned and talented Dr. Forbes, editor of the “British and Foreign Medical Review,” says:—

“The practice of the Hydropathists is so open, and their disciples so numerous, that the innocence of their proceedings may be said to be established by the absence of evidence to the contrary. We cannot enter any circle of society without encountering some follower of this method, ready to narrate a series of psychrolousian miracles, prepared to defend and zealous to applaud the Priessnitzian practice. Judgment must, therefore, be entered by default against its opponents, and Hydropathy is entitled to the verdict of harmlessness, since cause has never been shewn to the contrary.”


In consequence of the unavoidable absence from London of the Author, while these sheets were passing through the press, the following errors have occurred:—

Page vii. line 16, in preface, for Spencer read Stanhope.
" 29, " 40, for Wilson read Watson.
" 104, " 32, omit “and the following process was adopted”
" 108, " 21, omit not.
" 123, " 6, omit before.
" 127, " 26, omit until warm.
" 132, " 19, for Scontetton, read Scoutetton.
" 154, " 20, for minutes read weeks.
" 175, " 36, for from Dartres, read afflicted with dartres.
" 208, " 25, for and afterwards had wet bandages, dry ones were applied,
read wet bandages were applied to the inflamed part; when
inflammation was subdued, the heating bandages were used.



I.—Vincent Priessnitz.

“Discover what will destroy life, and you are a great man—what will prolong it and you are an impostor! Discover some invention in machinery that will make the rich more rich, and the poor more poor, and they will build you a statue! Discover some mystery in art, that will equalise disparities, and they will pull down their houses to stone you.”—Bulwer.

Priessnitz was born at Gräfenberg, October, 4th 1800. His father became blind in his nineteenth year, and remained so until his death, which took place in 1838, a period of thirty-two years, during fourteen of which his son was his guide. His mother was killed by a bull in 1821.

Priessnitz’s family have been in possession of the estate he now owns, consisting of about 180 acres of land, for upwards of 200 years, so that a mistake arose in calling him a peasant, instead of a farmer’s son, or yeoman of Silesia. Two centuries ago (1645), when the country was invaded by the Swedes, a soldier, attempting to carry off a female of the family, was pursued and slain by one of Priessnitz’s ancestors on the spot now called the Priessnitz-Quelle (or spring). A tablet placed over the spring, commemorates this event.

Priessnitz was born, in what is now called the “stone house,” (opposite the large establishment) which he inherited with the land.

He began dabbling in the Water-cure, when only twelve or thirteen years old. Having sprained his wrist, he pumped upon it and applied a wet bandage, which produced an Ausschlag, or eruption; he not knowing whether it would be beneficial or otherwise. The question was, however, soon decided; for the sprain was cured. Finding the same plan, in other sprains, cuts, and bruises invariably succeed, he recommended its adoption to his neighbours.

He next applied the wet bandage to swollen joints and local pains, and was gradually led to its application in gout and rheumatism. Observing that the wet bandage remained cold from want of heat in the part affected, he covered it with a dry one to prevent evaporation, and confine the heat. The appearance of eruption in many cases before amelioration or cure, led him to suppose that there was generally some peccant or foreign matter required to be drawn out, or eliminated. Thus drawn on to think and reason on the subject, his powers of invention were kept in constant activity to find new expedients for producing the desired effects in the fresh cases presented to him; until the present complete and efficacious system, or science was gradually developed and
