قراءة كتاب History of the Early Settlement of the Juniata Valley Embracing an Account of the Early Pioneers, and the Trials and Privations Incident to the Settlement of the Valley

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‏اللغة: English
History of the Early Settlement of the Juniata Valley
Embracing an Account of the Early Pioneers, and the Trials and Privations Incident to the Settlement of the Valley

History of the Early Settlement of the Juniata Valley Embracing an Account of the Early Pioneers, and the Trials and Privations Incident to the Settlement of the Valley

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

reunion, a history of the early settlement of the upper end of the valley was written, and the manuscript transmitted to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, in the expectation that it would be published in some of their works. This, however, never was done; and when application was made to the society for a return of the manuscript, it was either lost or mislaid.

Since then, one by one, these old patriots have passed from time to eternity, and the woods and valleys that knew them for three-quarters of a century shall know them no more. With them would, in all probability, have been buried many important facts, had not the author of these pages called upon the last survivor, Michael Maguire, in October last, and taken down, at length, all his early recollections. The time was most opportune, for he was even then upon his deathbed. The sands of a long life were evidently ebbing fast, and he knew it, for he gave it as his solemn conviction that the proposed recital of the past was the last he should ever make to mortal man. Although enfeebled by age, and his body wasting away, his intellect was vigorous and unclouded, and his memory fresh as it was fourscore years ago. Indeed, I soon found that he had the most retentive memory of any man I ever knew, because, in narrating incidents, he gave days, dates, and names, with such ease as almost to stagger belief. Of course, to him I am mainly indebted for the material of that part of the History treating of the upper end of the valley, especially the occurrences between 1776 and 1782. Mr. M. died on the 17th inst.

From a manuscript memoir of E. Bell, Esq., I have also been enabled to glean some useful information. He commenced it a short time before his death, and it is to be deeply regretted that a violent attack of rheumatism in the hand compelled him to abandon the work after writing some six or eight pages.

I am also indebted to a number of persons for information that has been of value to me, whose names will be mentioned in another place in the work.

If this volume fails to meet the expectations of those kind friends who have interested themselves in my behalf, it will not be for lack of zeal or perseverance on my part. I am free to confess that the language of the book is not clothed in that attractive garb which makes books popular in the age we live in; but then it must be remembered that I am not, worthy reader, submitting to your judgment a romance, but a History, based upon immutable and undying Truths.

U. J. Jones.

Hollidaysburg, Nov. 1855.


The Aborigines of the Valley — Their Habits and Customs 17
History of the Early Settlers 39
Juniata Island — An Indian Paradise — Rev. David Brainerd — The Early Settlers, Hulings, Watts, and Baskins — Indian Battles — Remarkable Escape of Mrs. Hulings 56
Indian Towns along the Juniata — Lost Creek Valley discovered — Mexico first settled by Capt. James Patterson, in 1751 — Indian Attack upon Settlers at the House of William White — Massacre of White — Capture of John Riddle — His Release from Captivity, etc. 68
Early Settlers at Licking Creek — Relics of an Indian Battle — House of Robert Campbell attacked — James Campbell wounded and taken prisoner — Scout sent from Sherman's Creek — Encounter with Indians at Buffalo Creek — Five of the Scout killed, etc. 76
Tuscarora Valley — Its Early Settlement — Its Mounds and its Forts, Massacres, etc. 83
Fort Granville — Old Indian Town — Early Settlers — Captain Jacobs —  Assault and Capture of the Fort, etc. 91
Organization of Mifflin County — Dispute with Huntingdon County about the Boundary Line — Riot at Lewistown, etc. 98
Kishicoquillas Valley — The Shawnee Chief Kishicokelas — The Mingo Chief Logan 110
Colonel John Armstrong's Expedition against Kittaning — List of the Killed and Wounded — Delaware Chiefs, Captain Jacobs and Shingas, etc. 121
Old Indian Town — Indian Paths — Aughwick — Murder of John Armstrong and Party — Captain Jack, the Wild Hunter of the Juniata — George Crogan, etc. 133
Raystown Branch — Early Settlement of Raystown — General Forbes's Expedition — Colonels Washington and Boquet — Colonel Armstrong's Letter — Smith and his "Black Boys" — Bloody Run — Robbery — Indian Massacres — Revolutionary Lieutenants of Bedford County, etc. 161
Raystown Branch, continued — Murder of Sanders and his Family —  Englishman and his Wife taken Prisoners — Felix Skelly and Mrs. Elder taken Captives — Their Return, etc. public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@41392@[email protected]#XIII" class="pginternal"
