small, pale brown cone.
THUJA, p. 31. |
ee. |
Twigs essentially terete; leaves of two kinds, either scale-like, or else awl-shaped, often both kinds on the same branch, not decurrent on the stem; fruit berry-like, bluish. |
JUNIPERUS, p. 33. |
dd. |
Leaves alternate or spirally-whorled. |
e. |
Leaves flattened, soft to the touch. |
f. |
Leaves 1/2-1-1/4 inches long, sessile, aromatic; cones 2-4 inches long; bark of trunk with raised blisters containing resin. |
ABIES, p. 27. |
ff. |
Leaves seldom over 1/2 inch long, short-petioled, not aromatic; cones about 3/4 inch long; bark of trunk without raised blisters. |
TSUGA, p. 29. |
ee. |
Leaves 4-sided, harsh to the touch. |
PICEA, p. 18. |
bb. |
Leaves broad and flat. |
c. |
Leaves alternate or clustered, never opposite nor whorled. |
d. |
Margin of leaves entire or only slightly undulate. |
e. |
Leaves heart-shaped or rounded; fruit a legume. |
CERCIS, p. 167. |
ee. |
Leaves oval, ovate or obovate; fruit not a legume. |
f. |
Branches armed with stout, straight spines; fruit large, orange-like. |
MACLURA, p. 133. |
ff. |
Branches without spines; fruit small, not orange-like. |
g. |
Fruit an acorn. |
QUERCUS, p. 96. |
gg. |
Fruit a drupe or berry. |
h. |
Twigs spicy-aromatic when bruised; leaves of many shapes on the same branch. |
SASSAFRAS, p. 139. |
hh. |
Twigs not spicy-aromatic; leaves not of many shapes on the same branch. |
i. |
Leaves thick, abruptly pointed, very lustrous above, not clustered at the ends of the branches. |
NYSSA, p. 209. |
ii. |
Leaves thin, long-pointed, not lustrous above, clustered at the ends of the branches. |
CORNUS, p. 202. |
dd. |
Margin of leaves serrate, toothed or lobed. |
e. |
Margin of leaves serrate to toothed. |
f. |
Branches armed with stiff, sharp thorns. |
CRATAEGUS, p. 151. |
ff. |
Branches not armed. |
g. |
Base of leaves decidedly oblique. |
h. |
Leaf-blades about as long as they are broad, heart-shaped. |
TILIA, p. 201. |
hh. |
Leaf-blades 1-1/2 - 2 times as long as they are broad, oval to ovate. |
i. |
Leaves thin, coarsely but singly serrate; fruit a globular drupe, ripe in autumn. |
CELTIS, p. 131. |
ii; |
Leaves thick, coarsely and doubly serrate; fruit a samara, ripe in spring. |
ULMUS, p. 122. |
gg. |
Base of leaves essentially symmetrical. |
h. |
Teeth coarse, 2-5 per inch of margin. |