i. |
Leaves very glabrous both sides; fruit a prickly bur. |
j. |
Leaves 3-5 inches long, very lustrous beneath; bark close, smooth, steel-gray. |
FAGUS, p. 93. |
jj. |
Leaves 6-8 inches long, not lustrous beneath; bark fissured, brownish. |
CASTANEA, p. 95. |
ii. |
Leaves pubescent or white-tomentose, at least beneath; fruit not a prickly bur. |
j. |
Leaves 2-4 inches long, broadly ovate to suborbicular; fruit a very small capsule, falling in spring. |
POPULUS, p. 44. |
jj. |
Leaves 4-7 inches long, oblong-lanceolate to obovate; fruit an acorn, falling in autumn. |
QUERCUS, p. 96. |
hh. |
Teeth fine, 6-many per inch of margin. |
i. |
Leaf-petioles laterally compressed; leaves tremulous. |
POPULUS, p. 44. |
ii. |
Leaf-petioles terete; leaves not tremulous. |
j. |
Leaf-blades at least 3 times as long as they are broad. |
k. |
Twigs brittle; fruit a very small capsule, falling in spring. |
SALIX, p. 34. |
kk. |
Twigs tough; fruit a fleshy drupe, falling in late summer or autumn. |
PRUNUS, p. 152. |
jj. |
Leaf-blades not more than twice as long as they are broad. |
k. |
Leaf-blades about twice as long as they are broad. |
l. |
Margin of leaves singly serrate; fruit fleshy. |
m. |
Lenticels conspicuous; pith whitish or brownish; bark easily peeled off in papery layers; buds ovoid. |
PRUNUS, p. 152. |
mm. |
Lenticels inconspicuous; pith greenish; bark not separable into papery layers; buds narrow-conical. |
AMELANCHIER, p. 149. |
ll. |
Margin of leaves doubly serrate; fruit not fleshy. |
m. |
Trunk fluted; fruit inclosed within a halberd-shaped involucre. |
CARPINUS, p. 83. |
mm. |
Trunk not fluted; fruit not inclosed within a halberd-shaped involucre. |
n. |
Bark of trunk gray-brown, broken into narrow, flattish pieces loose at the ends; fruit in hop-like strobiles. |
OSTRYA, p. 81. |
nn. |
Bark of trunk white, yellow or dark brown, platy or cleaving off in papery layers; fruit not in hop-like strobiles. |
BETULA, p. 84. |
kk. |
Leaf-blades almost as broad as they are long. |
l. |
Lower side of leaves more or less downy; sap milky; leaves not crowded on short, spur-like branchlets; fruit berry-like, black. |
MORUS, p. 135. |
ll. |
Lower side of leaves glabrous; sap not milky; leaves crowded on short, spur-like branchlets; fruit a large, green