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New York Sketches

New York Sketches

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@42501@[email protected]#i_image069" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">69

The sights and smells of the water-front are here too 71 An Old Landmark on the Lower West Side 73 (Junction of Canal and Laight Streets.) Up Beekman Street 75 Each ... has to change in the greatest possible hurry from block to block. Under the Approach to Brooklyn Bridge 77 Chinatown 79 It still remains whimsically individual and village-like 81 A Fourteenth Street Tree 83 Such as broad Twenty-third Street with its famous shops 85 A Cross Street at Madison Square 87 Across Twenty-fourth Street—Madison Square when the Dewey Arch was there 88 Herald Square 91 As it Looks on a Wet Night—The Circle, Fifty-ninth Street and Eighth Avenue 93 Hideous high buildings 95 Looking east from Central Park at night. Flushing Volunteer Fire Department Responding to a Fire Alarm 103 A Bit of Farm Land in the Heart of Greater New York 105 Acre after acre, farm after farm, and never a sign of city in sight. One of the Farmhouses that have Come to Town 107 The old Duryea House, Flushing, once used as a head-quarters for Hessian officers. East End of Duryea House, where the Cow is Stabled 108 The Old Water-power Mill from the Rear of the Old Country Cross-roads Store 109 The Old Country Cross-roads Store, Established 1828 110 In the background is the old water-power mill. Interior of the Old Country Cross-roads Store 111 The Colony of Chinese Farmers, Near the Geographical Centre of New York City 112 Working as industrially as the peasants of Europe, blue skirts, red handkerchiefs about their heads 113 Remains of a Windmill in New York City, Between Astoria and Steinway 114 The Dreary Edge of Long Island City 115 The Procession of Market-wagons at College Point Ferry 116 Past dirty backyards and sad vacant lots 117 New York City Up in the Beginnings of the Bronx Regions—Skating at Bronxdale 119 Another Kind of City Life—Along the Marshes of Jamaica Bay 121 There is profitable oyster-dredging in several sections of the city
