Testament of St. Francis, 1220 |
504 |
271. |
Innocent IV grants friars permission to ride on horseback, 1250 |
508 |
272. |
Alexander IV condemns attacks on the friars, 1256 |
508 |
273. |
John XXII condemns the theses of John of Poilly, 1320 |
509 |
Section IX. The Crusades |
510–544 |
274. |
Origen, Exhortation to martyrdom, 235 |
510 |
275. |
Origen, Commentary on Numbers |
511 |
276. |
Leo IV (847–855); indulgences for fighting the heathen |
511 |
277. |
John II; indulgences for fighting the heathen, 878 |
512 |
278. |
Gregory VII calls for a crusade, 1074 |
512 |
279. |
Speech of Urban II at the council of Clermont, 1095. Fulcher of Chartres |
513 |
280. |
Speech of Urban II. Robert the Monk |
518 |
281. |
Truce of God and indulgences proclaimed at the council of Clermont |
521 |
282. |
Ekkehard of Aura, Hierosolimita; the first crusade |
522 |
283. |
Anonymi Gesta Francorum, 1097–99 |
523 |
284. |
Eugene III announces a crusade, 1145 |
526 |
285. |
Otto of St. Blasien; the third crusade, 1189–90 |
529 |
286. |
Innocent III forbids the Venetians to traffic with the Mohammedans, 1198 |
535 |
287. |
Innocent III takes the king of the Danes under his protection, 1210 |
537 |
288. |
Innocent III announces a crusade, 1215 |
537 |
Section X. Social Classes and Cities in Germany |
–612 |
289. |
Otto III forbids the unfree classes to attempt to free themselves, ca. 1000 |
545 |
290. |
Henry I frees a serf, 926 |
546 |
291. |
Henry III frees a female serf, 1050 |
547 |
292. |
Recovery of fugitive serfs, 1224 |
548 |
293. |
Rank of children born of mixed marriages, 1282 |
549 |
294. |
Frederick II confers nobility, ca. 1240 |
549 |
295. |
Charles IV confers nobility on a "doctor of both laws," 1360 |
550 |
296. |
Law of the family of the bishop of Worms, 1023 |
551 |
297. |
Charter of the ministerials of the archbishop of Cologne, 1154 |
563 |
298. |
The bishop of Hamburg grants a charter to colonists, 1106 |
572 |
299. |
Privilege of Frederick I for the Jews, 1157 |
573 |
300. |
The bishop of Speyer grants a charter to the Jews, 1084 |
577 |
301. |
Lothar II grants a market to the monastery of Prüm, 861 |
579 |
302. |
Otto I grants a market to the archbishop of Hamburg, 965 |
580 |
303. |
Otto III grants a market to count Berthold, 999 |
581 |
304. |
Merchants cannot be compelled to come to a market, 1236 |
581 |
305. |
Market courts to be independent of local courts, 1218 |
582 |
306. |
Otto I grants jurisdiction over a town to the abbots of New Corvey, 940 |
582 |
307. |
The ban-mile, 1237 |
583 |
308. |
Citizens of Cologne expel their archbishop, 1074 |
584 |
309. |
People of Cologne rebel against their archbishop, 1074 |
585 |
310. |
Confirmation of the "immediateness" of the citizens of Speyer, 1267 |
586 |
311. |
Summons to an imperial city to attend a diet, 1338 |
587 |
312. |
Grant of municipal freedom to a town, 1201 |
587 |
313. |
Extension of the corporate limits of the city of Brunswick, 1269 |
588 |
314. |
Decision of the diet about city councils in cathedral towns, 1218 |
589 |
315. |
Frederick II forbids municipal freedom, 1231–32 |
590 |
316. |
Breslau adopts the charter of Magdeburg, 1261 |
592 |
317. |
The Schoeffen of Magdeburg give decisions for Culm, 1338 |
602 |
318. |
Establishment of the Rhine league, 1254 |
604 |
319. |
Peace established by the Rhine league, 1254 |
606 |
320. |
Agreement between Hamburg and Lübeck, ca. 1230 |
609 |
321. |
Agreement between Hamburg and Lübeck, 1241 |
610 |
322. |
Lübeck, Rostock, and Wismar proscribe pirates, 1259 |
610 |
323. |
Decrees of the Hanseatic league, 1260–64 |
611 |
324. |
Decrees of the Hanseatic league, 1265 |
612 |
325. |
Henry II grants Cologne merchants privileges in London, 1157 |
612 |
Bibliography |
613 |
Glossary |
615 |