قراءة كتاب Notes and Queries, Number 240, June 3, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.

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‏اللغة: English
Notes and Queries, Number 240, June 3, 1854
A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.

Notes and Queries, Number 240, June 3, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

D. Maclise, R.A., engraved by Sharpe. Flowers of German Art, a series of 20 plates by the most eminent engravers. Cranstone's Fugitive Etchings, 17 plates. Turner and Girtin's River Scenery, 30 plates. "Cottage Piety," painted by Thomas Faed, engraved by Henry Lemon (unpublished). "See Saw," painted by T. Webster, R.A., engraved by Holl (unpublished). "Village Pastor," painted by W. P. Frith, R.A., engraved by Holl. "The Immaculate Conception," painted by Guido, engraved in line by W. H. Watt. "Harvey demonstrating to Charles the First his Theory of the Circulation of the Blood," painted by Hannah, engraved by Lemon. "The Origin of Music," painted by Selous, engraved by Wass. "The First Step," painted by Faed, engraved by Sharpe. "The Prize Cartoons," published by Messrs. Longmans & Co. And numerous other highly interesting and valuable works of Art.

ALL THE ENGRAVED PLATES of the above-mentioned engravings WILL BE DESTROYED in the presence of the purchasers at the time of sale, which will thereby secure to the purchasers the same advantages as are mentioned in the advertisement given above, of the sale of the remaining copies of "Finden's Royal Gallery."

Framed Impressions of each of the plates can be seen at MR. HOGARTH'S, 5. Haymarket; at MESSRS. LLOYD, BROTHERS, & CO., 22. Ludgate Hill; and at the AUCTIONEERS, 22. Fleet Street, by whom all communications and commissions will be promptly and faithfully attended to.

*** Catalogues of the entire sale will be forwarded on receipt of 12 Postage Stamps.

The very extensive, highly important, and extremely choice Stock of MODERN ENGLISH AND FOREIGN ENGRAVINGS, WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, and expensive Books of Prints, of MR. HOGARTH of the Haymarket.

SOUTHGATE & BARRETT will Sell by Auction at their Fine Art and Book Auction Rooms, 22. Fleet Street, on Wednesday Evening, June 7th, and Seventeen following Evenings (Saturdays and Sundays excepted), in the same sale as the "FINDEN'S ROYAL GALLERY OF BRITISH ART," this extremely valuable and highly interesting Stock. Amongst the ENGRAVINGS will be found in the BEST STATES OF ARTISTS' and other CHOICE PROOFS, nearly all the popular plates that have been published during the last quarter of a century; also an Important Collection of Foreign Line Engravings in the best states; a large variety of Portraits and other subjects after Sir Joshua Reynolds, some very rare; an extensive series of prints by Hogarth, in early proofs, and with curious variations; a most complete series of artists' proofs of the works of George Cruikshank, including nearly all his early productions, many unique; a number of scarce Old Prints, and a series in fine states by Sir Robert Strange. The Stock is peculiarly rich in the works of J. M. W. Turner, R.A., and comprises artists' proofs and the choicest states of all his important productions, and matchless copies of the England and Wales and Southern Coast. The Collection of HIGH-CLASS WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS consists of examples of the most eminent artists (particularly some magnificent specimens by J. M. W. Turner), as well as a great variety of the early English School, and some by the Ancient Masters; also a most interesting Collection by Members of the Sketching Society. Of the Modern School are examples by—






Fielding, C.



Landseer, E.


Lewis, J.






Tayler, F.




Catalogues of the entire Sale will be forwarded on receipt of 12 postage stamps, and all communication and commissions promptly and faithfully attended to.

22. Fleet Street, London.

ARUNDEL SOCIETY.—The Publication of the Fourth Year (1852-3), consisting of Eight Wood Engravings by MESSRS. DALZIEL, from Mr. W. Oliver Williams' Drawings after GIOTTO'S Frescos at PADUA, is now ready; and Members who have not paid their Subscriptions are requested to forward them to the Treasurer by Post-Office Order, payable at the Charing Cross Office.


Treasurer and Hon. Sec.

13. & 14. Pall Mall East.

March, 1854.


THE EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHS, by the most eminent English and Continental Artists, is OPEN DAILY from Ten till Five. Free Admission.

£  s. d.
A Portrait by Mr. Talbot's Patent Process 1 1 0
Additional Copies (each) 0 5 0
A Coloured Portrait, highly finished (small size) 3 3 0
A Coloured Portrait, highly finished (larger size) 5 5 0

Miniatures, Oil Paintings, Water-Colour, and Chalk Drawings, Photographed and Coloured in imitation of the Originals. Views of Country Mansions, Churches, &c., taken at a short notice.

Cameras, Lenses, and all the necessary Photographic Apparatus and Chemicals, are supplied, tested, and guaranteed.

Gratuitous Instruction is given to Purchasers of Sets of Apparatus.

168. New Bond Street.

DR. DE JONGH'S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL. Prepared for medicinal use in the Loffoden Isles, Norway, and put to the test of chemical analysis. The most effectual remedy for Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout, Chronic Rheumatism, and all Scrofulous Diseases.

Approved of and recommended by Berzelius, Liebig, Woehler, Jonathan Pereira, Fouquier, and numerous other eminent medical men and scientific chemists in Europe. Specially rewarded with medals by the Governments of Belgium and the Netherlands. Has almost entirely superseded all other kinds on the Continent, in consequence of its proved superior power and efficacy—effecting a cure much more rapidly. Contains iodine, phosphate of chalk, volatile acid, and the elements of the bile—in short, all its most active and essential principles—in larger quantities than the pale oils made in England and Newfoundland, deprived mainly of these by their mode of preparation. A pamphlet by Dr. de Jongh, with detailed remarks upon its superiority, directions for use, cases in which it has been prescribed with the greatest success, and testimonials, forwarded gratis on application.

The subjoined testimonial of BARON LIEBIG, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Giessen, is selected from innumerable others from medical and scientific men of the highest distinction:

"Sir,—I have the honour of addressing you my warmest thanks for your attention in forwarding me your work on the chemical composition and properties, as well as on the medicinal effects, of various kinds of Cod Liver Oil.

"You have rendered an essential service to science by your researches, and your efforts to provide sufferers with this Medicine in its purest and most genuine state, must ensure you the gratitude of every one who stands in need of its use.

"I have the honour of remaining, with expressions of the highest regard and esteem,

"Yours sincerely


"Giessen, Oct. 30. 1847.

"To Dr. de Jongh at the Hague."

Sold Wholesale and Retail, in bottles, labelled with Dr. de Jongh's Stamp and
