قراءة كتاب The Andes of Southern Peru Geographical Reconnaissance along the Seventy-Third Meridian

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‏اللغة: English
The Andes of Southern Peru
Geographical Reconnaissance along the Seventy-Third Meridian

The Andes of Southern Peru Geographical Reconnaissance along the Seventy-Third Meridian

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2


IV. The Forest Indians 36 V. The Country of the Shepherds 46 VI. The Border Valleys of the Eastern Andes 68 VII. The Geographic Basis of Revolutions and of Human Character in the Peruvian Andes 88 VIII. The Coastal Desert 110 IX. Climatology of the Peruvian Andes 121 X. Meteorological Records From the Peruvian Andes 157 PART II PHYSIOGRAPHY OF THE PERUVIAN ANDES XI. The Peruvian Landscape 183 XII. The Western Andes: the Maritime Cordillera Or Cordillera Occidental 199 XIII. The Eastern Andes: The Cordillera Vilcapampa 204 XIV. The Coastal Terraces 225 XV. Physiographic and Geologic Development 233 XVI. Glacial Features 274
Appendix A. Survey Methods Employed in the Construction of the Seven Accompanying Topographic Sheets 315
Appendix B. Fossil Determinations 321
Appendix C. Key to Place Names 324
