قراءة كتاب Rambles in Normandy

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‏اللغة: English
Rambles in Normandy

Rambles in Normandy

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

class="smcap">The Seine at Petit Andelys

facing 240 Collegiate Church, Ecouis facing 244 Gisors facing 246 A Seine Hamlet 249 The Two Châteaux of La Roche-Guyon facing 260 Hôtel Du Grand Cerf, Louviers facing 264 Garennes facing 272 Song of the Pays de Caux (Music) 287 A Pigeon-house 289 The Harbour of Fécamp facing 294 The Cliffs of Yport facing 296 Tréport facing 304 A Cauchoise of Yvetôt 312 Honfleur facing 318 In the Cider-apple Country 323 A Norman Cider-press facing 326 Dives-sur-Mer facing 334 Tower of Gens d’Armes 338 Cloister of the Capucin Convent, Caen facing 340 Tinchebray 343 Walled Farm 346 Port-en-Bessin 348 Old Wooden Houses, Lisieux facing 350 Château of Falaise (Plan) 351 Donjon of Falaise facing 352 Street Under the Church of the Trinity, Falaise 356 A Cotentine facing 360 Millet’s Home, Gruchy 365 The Rock of Granville facing 380 Bay of Mont St. Michel (Map) 384 Mont St. Michel in 1657 public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@42899@[email protected]#page_385" class="pginternal"
