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Nursing as Caring
A Model for Transforming Practice

Nursing as Caring A Model for Transforming Practice

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

body of knowledge from inside the discipline, and to know nursing in unprecedented ways.

Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice sets forth a different order of nursing theory. This nursing theory is personal, not abstract. In order to express nursing as caring there is a clear need to know self as caring person. The focus of the Nursing as Caring theory, then, is not toward an end product such as health or wellness. It is about a unique way of living caring in the world. It is about nurses and nursed living life and nurturing growing humanly through participation in life together.

Nursing as caring sets forth nursing as a unique way of living caring in the world. This theory provides a view that can be lived in all nursing situations and can be practiced alone or in combination with other theories. The domain of nursing is nurturing caring. The integrity, the wholeness, and the connectedness of the person simply and assuredly is central. As such, this is perhaps the most basic, bedrock, and therefore radical, of nursing theories and is essential to all that is truly nursing.

The dynamic, living idea of nursing as caring must be expressed knowledgeably. Perhaps for this reason, the book presents the essence of the idea and encourages its careful study and understanding in full hope for further development. In this regard, many questions come to mind in thinking about this work and its importance for the discipline and practice of nursing.

  * What distinguishes this nursing theory from others?
  * In what ways does this work add to the body of nursing knowledge?
  * In what new and distinct ways are we to view theories of our discipline and practice?
  * What are new descriptions of processes for development, study, and appraisal of nursing theories?
  * How will new relationships among nursing theories be discovered and described?

As earlier theorists brought words and ways of other bodies of knowledge to help nurses know and articulate nursing, so some of the language of this new theory has been drawn from philosophy. Generally, the language used to express the theory of nursing as caring is everyday language. This model is a clear assertion of and for nursing—it distinguishes nursing knowledge, questions, and methods from those of other disciplines. It helps us explore ways to use nursing knowledge and knowledge of other disciplines in ways appropriate to nursing. This volume offers rich illustrations of nursing that will immediately seem familiar to most nurses. Many nurses will come to know new possibilities for nursing practice, teaching, administration, and inquiry more fully.

In trying to open the door of this book and invite the reader to explore the Nursing as Caring model, I am personally aware that the living of nursing and the commitment nursing calls forth cannot be fully measured. Each of us is part of the ongoing creation of nursing as we share our experience of nursing. These attempts to share our nursing are a major part of the development of nursing as a discipline and professional practice. Our expressions about nursing are continually challenged as part of the creating process.

The processes of theory development have been the ongoing gift of many nursing scholars, theorists, and researchers. In expressing this new theory of Nursing as Caring, nurses have again courageously stepped forward to develop, articulate, and publish ideas that seem very new to many, and in doing so have risked to offer opportunity for a full range of responses to this work. I know Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhofer invite with great anticipation responses from nurses and will appreciate opportunity for dialogue.



'The ideas which led to the development of theory of Nursing as Caring have their beginnings in our personal histories and came together when we met in 1983. As we participated in the work of establishing nursing as an academic discipline and creating a nursing curriculum grounded in caring at Florida Atlantic University, each of us learned to value the special insights brought by the other. We also discovered early on that we shared a deep devotion to nursing—to the idea of nursing, to the practice of nursing, to the development of nursing.

Several years ago, we realized that our thinking had developed to the extent that we were working with more than a concept. Although we are well aware of an ongoing debate in nursing over technical versus philosophical connotations of theory, we characterize our work as a general theory of nursing developed in the context of our understanding of human science. While we are familiar with the formal concept of theory used in disciplines grouped in the physical and natural sciences, we believe that mathematical form is not an appropriate model for theory work in the discipline of nursing. Therefore, we do not present our work in the traditional form of concepts, definitions, statements, and propositions, but have struggled to find ways to preserve the integrity of nursing as caring through our expressions.

Our thinking has been particularly influenced by the work of two scholars, Mayeroff and Roach. Both of these authors have given voice to caring in important ways—Mayeroff in terms of generic caring, and Roach in terms of caring person as well as caring in nursing. We are aware of other influences on our understanding of caring and caring in nursing, including Paterson and Zderad, Watson, Ray, Leininger, and Gaut. Our conception of nursing as a discipline has been directly influenced by Phenix, King and Brownell, and the Nursing Development Conference Group. While this is not an exhaustive listing of the scholars who have contributed to the development of our ideas, we have made a deliberate effort to review the evolution of our thinking and to recognize significant specific contributions.

Chapter 1 presents a discussion of key ideas that ground and contextualize nursing as caring. The most fundamental idea is that of person as caring with nursing conceptualized as a discipline. Our understanding of this foundation has been seasoned both from within nursing and from outside the discipline, but always with the purpose of deepening our understanding of nursing. When we have gone outside the discipline to extend possibilities for understanding, we have made an effort to go beyond application, to think through the nursing relevance of ideas that seemed, on the surface, to be useful. Chapter I and subsequent chapters draw on Mayeroff's (1971) caring ingredients, including:

* Knowing—Explicitly and implicitly, knowing that and knowing how, knowing directly, and knowing indirectly (p. 14).

* Alternating rhythm—Moving back and forth between a narrower and a wider framework, between action and reflection (p. 15).

* Patience—Not a passive waiting but participating with the other, giving fully of ourselves (p. 17).

* Honesty—Positive concept that implies openness, genuineness, and seeing truly (p. 18).

* Trust—Trusting the other to grow in his or her own time and own way (p. 20).

* Humility—Ready and willing to learn more about other and self and what caring involves (p, 23).

* Hope—"An expression of the plentitude of the present, alive with a sense of a possible" (p. 26).

* Courage—Taking risks, going into the unknown, trusting (p. 27).

In Chapter 2, we present the theory in its most general form. We have resisted the temptation to include examples in this chapter for two reasons: first, because an example always seemed to lead to the need to further explain and illustrate; and second, because we wished to have a general expression of the theory,
