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قراءة كتاب Castles and Chateaux of Old Navarre and the Basque Provinces

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Castles and Chateaux of Old Navarre and the Basque Provinces

Castles and Chateaux of Old Navarre and the Basque Provinces

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

class="smcap">Plan of Carcassonne (Diagram)

164 The Walls of Carcassonne facing 166 Ground Plan of the Château de Foix (Diagram) 190 Château de Foix facing 190 Key of the Vaulting, Château de Foix, Showing The Arms of the Comtes de Foix 191 Tarascon-sur-Ariège facing 202 Château de Lourdat facing 210 St. Lizier facing 216 Trained Bears of the Vallée d’Ustou facing 218 St. Bertrand de Comminges facing 224 Pau and the Surrounding Country (Map) 258 Arms of the City of Pau 259 Château de Pau facing 268 Espadrille-makers facing 288 A Shepherd of Bigorre facing 302 Château de Coarraze facing 308 Château de Lourdes facing 314 Cauterets facing 318 The Pont d’Orthez facing 338 The Walls of Navarreux facing 346 Béarn and Navarre (Map) 354 Kings of Basse-Navarre and Kings of France And Navarre (Diagram) 360 The Arms of Navarre 362 Arms of Henri IV of France and Navarre facing 368 The Basque Country (Map) 372 The Game of Pelota facing 378Le Chevaletfacing 390 The Quaint Streets of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port facing 394 Arms of Bayonne 413 A Gateway of Bayonne facing 414 Biarritz and the Surrounding Country (Map) public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@43609@[email protected]#page_422"
