قراءة كتاب Myths of the Rhine

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‏اللغة: English
Myths of the Rhine

Myths of the Rhine

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

Woman.—Ilmarinnen's Wedding Song.—A Skeleton God.—Yaga-Baba's Pestle and Mortar.—Preparation for Battle.—The Little Chapel on the Hill.—The Signal for the Attack.—Jesus and Mary.....217


Marietta and the Sweet-briar.—Esus and Jesus.—Amalgam.—A Neophyte.—Prohibition to eat Horseflesh.—Bishops in Arms.—Interruption.—Come Home, my Good Friend!—Prussia and the Myths of the Middle Ages.—Tybilinus, the Black God.—The little Blue Flower.....245


Elementary Spirits of Air, Fire, and Water.—Sylphs, their Amusements and Domestic Arrangements.—Little Queen Mab.—Will-o'-the- Wisps.—White Elves and Black Elves.—True Causes of Natural Somnambulism.—The Wind's Betrothed.—Fire-damp.—Master Haemmerling.—The Last of the Gnomes.....263


Elementary Spirits of the Water.—Petrarch at Cologne.—Divine Judgment by Water.—Nixen and Undines.—A Furlough till Ten o'clock.—The White footed Undine.—Mysteries on the Rhine.—The Court of the Great Nichus.—Nixcobt, the Messenger of the Dead.—His Funny Tricks.—I go in Search of an Undine.....283


Familiar Spirits.—Butzemann.—The Good Frau Holle.—Kobolds.—A Kobold in the Cook's Employ.—Zot-terais and the Little White Ladies.—The Killecroffs, the Devil's Children.—White Angels.—Granted Wishes, a Fable.....309


Giants and Dwarfs.—Duel between Ephesim and Gromme-lund.—Court Dwarfs and Little Dwarfs.—Ymer's Sons.—The Invisible Reapers.—Story of the Dwarf Kreiss and the Giant Quadragaat.—How the Giants came to serve the Dwarfs.....335


Wizards and the Bewitched.—The Journey of Asa-Thor and his Companions.—The Inn with the Five Passages.—Skrymner.—A Lost Glove found again.—Arrival at the Great City of Utgard.—Combat between Thor and the King's Nurse.—Frederick Barbarossa and the Kyffhâuser.—Teutonia! Teutonia!—What became of the Ancient Gods.—Venus and the good Knight Tannhâuser.—Jupiter on Rabbit Island.—A Modern God.....371


Women as Missionaries, Women as Prophets, Strong Women, and Serpent Women.—Children's Myths.—Godmothers.—Fairies.—The Magic Wand and the Broomstick.—The Lady of Kynast.—The World of the Dead, the World of Ghosts, and the World of Shadows.—Myths of Animals.....399


Father Rhine....................................................003
The impassive historian ........................................004
Vast forests as old as the world ...............................005
The first pioneers..............................................007
The Celts were a people from India..............................009
What happy people scholars are..................................010
A horrible custom...............................................019
Dead man's trees................................................022
The Druids now appear for the first time in Germany.............023
The other chieftains were generally polygamists.................031
Courts of justice were always held under an elm tree............032
Attempt to murder the mayor ....................................033
Mistletoe an officinal and sacred plant.........................035
Serpents' knots.................................................038
Prophetic trembling and neighing................................041
A Druid teacher ................................................044
The Germans were in full flight ................................046
The bloody knife of the Druids .................................052
I turn my steps from the sacred
