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قراءة كتاب The Complete Cynic Being Bunches of Wisdom Culled from the Calendars of...

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Complete Cynic
Being Bunches of Wisdom Culled from the Calendars of...

The Complete Cynic Being Bunches of Wisdom Culled from the Calendars of...

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8

class="figcenter c35">monkey dropping cocoanuts on Adam ond Eve who are sitting at base of tree

The First Cynic. (H)


Adam sulking on rock with back to Eve who is holding a new leaf taken from a tree with a 'Marked Down' sign
The First Quarrel. (H)

First catch your reputation and then see if you can keep up with it. (T)

There are more fish taken out of a stream than ever were in it. (H) The Angler's Motto.

Many a smile maketh a flirt. (M)

I was glad when they said unto me,
Let us go into the house of a lord. (H)
Snob's Text.

Architecture! Oh, the crimes that have been committed in thy name! (M)

Obesity is the mother of Abstinence. (H)

Blessed is the peacemaker; for he shall need the kingdom of heaven as a refuge. (M)

He jests at scares who never dodged a car. (T)

A switch in time saves a fine. (H) Motophor.

Of the six senses: the mightiest of these is humor. (M)

It's the man behind the chauffeur who gets the jerk. (T & M)).

Necessity knows any mother-in-law. (H)

The world is divided into two groups: those trying to get thin and those trying to get fat. (M)

What's in a name—without seventy-five per cent. advertising. (M)

The worst thing about cynicism is its truth. (T)

Tell your secrets and become a slave. (M)

Hunger is the best sauce—and the worst boss. (M)

To go wool gathering. (T) Wall Street's Motto.

You may drink hearty but not healthy. (T)

He who will have a finger in every pie will some day find it mince. (T)

Don't kill sheep too near home. (M)

custom's man looking through female jestor's trunk
Nothing is stronger than custom-s. (T)

He's a friend to none who's a friend to oil. (T) The Standard Motto.

I would fain not die a dry death. (M) With apologies to "The Tempest."

A penny yearned is a penny shaved. (T) The Sage's Motto.

O wad some power the giftie gie us
To see some people before they see us! (M)

Discretion is the better part of indiscretion. (T)

Love is blind—that explains many things.
