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قراءة كتاب Nuggets of the New Thought Several Things That Have Helped People

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Nuggets of the New Thought
Several Things That Have Helped People

Nuggets of the New Thought Several Things That Have Helped People

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

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FORGET IT. Why worry about the past—Hugging old sorrows to your Bosom— What to do with them—Don't Poison your life—Pain brings experience—Learning your lesson—How to get rid of a gloomy thought—Throw it away—Forget it 34 THE KINDERGARTEN OF GOD. Life a great school—Man a child learning his lesson—Preparing for higher grades—The game-task—What it all means—Things as they are—The rules wise and good—Each task means something— Greeting the Kindergartner 36 THE HUMAN WET BLANKET. Sees no good in anything—Expects the bad and gets it—Attracts it to him—Depresses everything and everyone—Carries an aura of negative depressing thought—Clammy—Puts out the fire of energy —Take Warning 39 AIM STRAIGHT. Fear attracts as well as Desire—Learn to aim straight and aim at the right thing—Examples—The bowler—The bicyclist and the car—The bicyclist and the post—The boy and the marbles—Wisdom from the babe—Look straight; Think straight; Shoot Straight 41 AT HOME. Don't be afraid—You are at home—Not here by chance—You belong here—YOU are the soul—YOU cannot be hurt—YOU cannot be banished—YOU are right in the universe, and there is no outside—Great things are before you—Make yourself at home 46 THE SOLITUDE OF THE SOUL. Lorado Taft's group—Description—Each stands alone—Each is in touch with every other—Soul communion in silence—Silence is the sanctuary of the soul—The oneness of life and its apparent separateness—The message 48 JERRY AND THE BEAR. The Law's plan of developing an individual—Folly of clinging to old worn out sheaths—The story of Jerry and the Bear—Who Jerry was—He meets the Bear—The fight—The result—The consequences —The change in Jerry—The moral 51 THE UNSEEN HAND. The consciousness of the hand—When it first was felt—Always there—Now as the hand of a father—Now as that of a mother—A lover—A brother—Always guiding—Always leading—A mystery— Some day we will know the owner of the hand 55 HOW SUCCESS COMES. Seeking success through mental powers—Holding the thought alone not sufficient—How to get the real benefit of thought-force— Fall in with the workings of the Law—Stand on your own feet— One step at a time—"I Do" as well as "I Am" 58 THE MAN WITH THE SOUTHERN EXPOSURE. Southern exposure as good a thing in a man as in a room—The man who faces the sun—Lives one day at a time and does the best he knows how, and is kind—Finds Joy and carries it to others— Simple, loving, kind—Open yourself to the sun 60 A FOREWORD. An individualist—Wearing no ticket or label—No one has a corner on Truth—Enough to go around—The Infinite Power back of all things—The Real Self is Spirit—The Law of Attraction —Fearthought—The Brotherhood of Man 63 PARTNERSHIP. Next to marriage, partnership is the most important association —Mental partnerships—Be careful whom you choose as your mental partners—Get into partnership with the best thoughts—Dissolve partnership with the other kind—"I Can, I Will; I Do, I Dare." 65 THE SEEKERS. The secret of life—the riddle of existence—Sought now as ever —The whyness of things—Attempts to answer the riddle—The Seekers—Fantastic creeds and queer philosophies—Revamping old ideas—The story of the man and the stars—The answer to be found within the soul 69 MENTAL PICTURES. "I hang bright pictures in my mind"—Bright pictures encourage one; gloomy ones depress—Get rid of your old, gloomy mental pictures—Make a bonfire of them—Get rid of the particularly miserable one, first of all—Then put bright ones in their places 73 DON'T RETAIL YOUR WOES. A miserable habit—It grows as it is fed—A nuisance to friends and neighbors—It brings to you more of the same kind—You will get what you look for—Looking for trouble brings it—Don't imagine that you are being "put upon"— Don't retail your woes 75 LIFE. There is in each of us a potential Something seeking for expression—The Something Within—The plant of life—No use trying to repress it, for develop it must—Life has a meaning —Growth, development and unfoldment—The lesson of life
