قراءة كتاب The Gospel of Slavery A Primer of Freedom
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
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K Stands for Kidnapped. Whoso receives.
"What others have stolen, is leagu'd with the thieves.
But setting aside what this proverb reveals,
The Slaveholder breeds what the Kidnapper steals?
Distinction there is, and a difference too—
But which, if you chose, would be chosen by you?
To buy, or to sell, involves profit or waste—
To breed, or to steal, is a question of taste;
And whoso does either, a business may claim
That perfects in meanness the sin and the shame!
What odds to the buyer whether the chattel has been kidnapped or bought by the Trader? In one sense, there is something manly (because risk of life is incurred) in taking prisoners in war and making slaves of them; but kidnapping is unmitigated villainy. How then can we sufficiently express abhorrence of the men who make a business of breeding slaves for the market? Doubtless, they are all, all honorable men, and, worthily accounted the chivalry of the land!
L Stands for Liberty, Know you the bell
That '76 sounded so nobly and well?
Or know you that soon was developed a flaw,
By Freedom's assertion of Slavery Law?
"Created all equal."—"Excepting the black,"
From States of the Union the answer came back.
Then cracked the big bell. Vainly chipped to the core,
No "compromise measures" its tone could restore,
And the prophecy stands, though the bell, in its fall,
Now silently hangs in Old Liberty Hall!
The bell referred to, cast in 1753, has on it the inscription, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."—Lev. xxv. 10. Was this a prophecy? That bell announced the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It was afterwards cracked—I know not the date. Occasional use on national anniversaries increased the difficulty. Chipping, so as to separate the vibrating edges, failed to remedy the mischief. It now hangs in Independence Hall.
M, Stands for Master. When one would impart
To others his knowledge of mystery-art,
A Master is he and Apprentices they,
And what he commands it is theirs to obey.
But if from the cradle till laid in the grave,
You claim the relation of Master and Slave,
And stretch your dominion, by heirship or gold,
O'er men who as cattle are driven and sold,
Consider, I pray you, the end of the strife,
When called to account by the Master of Life.
Is the distinction