قراءة كتاب The Gospel of Slavery A Primer of Freedom

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‏اللغة: English
The Gospel of Slavery
A Primer of Freedom

The Gospel of Slavery A Primer of Freedom

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

without a difference? An Apprentice is indentured by his own consent. The term of service is limited and specified. There is a covenant that he shall be sent to school. He has legal redress in case of maltreatment or neglect. He cannot be branded with a hot iron. If he absconds, he cannot be hunted with dogs, nor advertised for, dead or alive. He cannot be sold. At twenty-one he is a freeman. Are these the marks of the condition of a Slave?


N Stands for Negro, To be all he can,

Without doing wrong, is the birth-right of man,

And noblest humanity evermore lies

In prompting and helping the lowly to rise.

Are Slaves dull and ignorant? Multitudes are:

Shall therefore the Master improvement debar?

Yet if to instruct them you open your mouth,

Beware of the penalty, down in the South!

—Can that be of God which for Slavery greed

Forbids you to teach a poor Negro to read?

Whether the African race, now in bondage in the South, be or be not in a better condition than their kindred in Africa, need not here be discussed. Morality and religion inquire, simply, whether Southern laws encourage an advancement? Do they not rather hinder, by severe penalties, any efforts to educate the slave population? Public Schools are the pride and glory of the North: What is the boast and shame of the South?


O Stands for Ox, that necessity broke

To work with an Ass in the Union Yoke.

To walk in the furrow and take the short end,

Seemed ever the fate of the Ox to attend,

While the Ass, having learned a political trick,

Knew wickedly well how to bray and to kick.

But patience wears out, though it ever adorns,—

The ears are now feeling the push of the horns,

And wonders of justice are coming to pass:—

The North is the Ox and the South is the Ass.

From 1789 to the outbreak of the Rebellion, Slaveholders occupied the Presidential chair for 48 years, and Northern sympathizers with Slavery for 12 years more—leaving only 12 years for Freedom-proclivities in the President. Although greatly outnumbered by the North, the South almost uniformly ruled in Congress. Not getting all it demanded, the Tariff was made a pretext for secession. "The next pretext," said Jackson, "will be the Negro or Slavery question."


P Stands for Principle. Policy fain

Would measure all deeds by the loss or the gain,

While Principle never finds aught to consult.

But conscience and duty, whate'er the result.
