قراءة كتاب The Gospel of Slavery A Primer of Freedom

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‏اللغة: English
The Gospel of Slavery
A Primer of Freedom

The Gospel of Slavery A Primer of Freedom

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7

class="indent10">In slaveholding policy, all that you win

May fitly be reckoned the wages of sin,

And what has been earned by the master or thrall,

Is never withheld by the Ruler of All.

Perhaps you will learn, when the payment is due,

That a deed which is wrong is impolitic too.

In 1786 Washington expressed his determination never to "possess another slave by purchase." Avowed in 1794 that he held slaves "very reluctantly to his own feelings." By will emancipated all he held, making provision for the support of the aged and infirm, and for the education of the young—and most solemnly enjoined his executors to see that his instructions were religiously fulfilled. According to the Slavery propagandists of this age of grace, all this was fundamentally wrong!


Q Stands for Query. Inquisitive thought

May lead to conclusions not anxiously sought.

Suppose of Quadroon we a moment should think,

With one side of ancestry sable as ink,

The other side claiming complexion as fair

As fatherly planters most commonly wear:

The child of her Master, a Slave-daughter still,

Must bow to the law of his sensual will;

And when he shall sell her, (perhaps very soon)

The Query may follow the chattel Quadroon.

The cry of "amalgamation" as the result of the abolition of Slavery, comes with a very ill grace from Southerners. How many nearly-white children have been sent to the North for an education, or to hide their negro-blood? How many such have been manumitted, to guard against their continuance in bondage by any mishap? How many Quadroons have been sold voluntarily or brought to the block by the pecuniary embarrassments of their father-masters?


R Stands for Rebel. The Colonies rose

Against the stern sway of tyrannical foes,

But Washington, Jefferson, all were ignored,

When Southerners lifted the sceptre and sword,

And Slavery lust to Rebellion gave birth

Against the best government known in the earth.

Did Rebeldom look to the shame and the cost

Of seeking by war the control they had lost?

Or know they how ages will reckon the guilt

Of a Temple of Freedom on Slavery built?

"The foundations of our new government are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man.... This, our new government, is the first in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical and moral truth.... This stone which was rejected by the first builders, is become the chief stone of the corner in our new edifice.... Our Confederacy is a God-sent missionary to the nations."—Alexander H. Stephens.

