"Mostly they stand beside wells" |
34 |
"Quaint of shape, they attract the eye from far" |
38 |
"Sometimes they are of quaintly carved stone" |
38 |
"Strange old crosses that on all roads I have come upon" |
38 |
"Their forms and sizes are varied" |
38 |
"None of the greater buildings attract me so strongly as those little village churches" |
39 |
"The altar is shut off from the rest of the building by a carved and painted screen" |
39 |
"The roofs are always of shingle" |
42 |
"Varied indeed are the shapes of these peasant churches" |
46 |
"Their principal feature being the stout columns that support the porch in front" |
46 |
"But with some the belfry stands by itself" |
47 |
"The columns have beautiful carved capitals of rarest design ... whitewashed like the rest of the church" |
47 |
"Quaint indeed are the buildings that some simple-hearted artist has painted" |
47 |
"These lonely mountain-dwellers" |
50 |
"These shaggy garments give them a wild appearance" |
54 |
"Their only refuges are dug-outs" |
54 |
"Even tiny boys wear these extraordinary coats" |
54 |
"Here, in company with their dogs, they spend the long summer months" |
54 |
"On juicy pastures near clear-flowing stream" |
55 |
"Silent watchers leaning on their staffs" |
55 |
"Wherever I have met them, be it on the mountains or in the plains, ... these silent shepherds have seemed to me the very personification of solitude" |
55 |
"On the burning plains of the Dobrudja where for miles around no tree is to be seen" |
58 |
"Stifled by the overwhelming temperature, they had massed themselves together" |
58 |
"Mothers and children, and old grannies" |
62 |
"Small bronze statues with curly, tousled heads" |
62 |
"Occasionally a torn shirt barely covers them" |
62 |
"Most beautiful of all are the young girls" |
63 |
"Inconceivably picturesque" |
63 |