class="pginternal" tag="{}a">111. Modified human figures on the shaft of a cross at Ilam, near Ashbourne; after Browne.
112. Pictograph of a lasso, Dakota Winter Count, 1812-13; after Mallery.
113. Alaskan notice of a hunt; from Mallery, after Hoffman.
114. Pictograph of starving hunters, Alaska; after Mallery.
115. Lean-Wolf’s Map, Hidatsa; after Mallery.
116. Ivory carving with records, Alaska; after Mallery.
117. Blossom of an Ixora; from Stevens.
118, 119. Magic combs of the Orang Sĕmang; from Stevens.
120. Diagram of the uppermost pattern of Fig. 119, with rectification of that pattern; from Stevens.
121. Magical pictograph of the Orang-hûtan against the slings of scorpions and centipedes; size of original, 9¾ inches; from Stevens.
122. Magical device of the Orang Bĕlendas against a skin disease; size of original, 19 inches; from Stevens.
123. Rain-charm of the Orang Bĕlendas; size of the original, 10½ inches; from Stevens.
124. Stretching-cleat of a drum from Mangaia, in the Berlin Museum; from March, after Stolpe: two-thirds natural size.
125. Rubbings from the handles of symbolic adzes from the Hervey Islands. A. Free Library Museum, Belfast; B, C. Belfast Natural History Museum; one-third natural size. (Original.)
126. Rubbing of part of the decoration of a Mangaian symbolic paddle, Norwich Museum; natural size. (Original.)
127. Rubbing of part of the carving of the handle of a symbolic paddle from the Hervey Islands in the Natural History Museum, Belfast; one-half natural size. (Original.)
128. Rubbing of “part of the terminal of a paddle-shaped implement in the Vienna Museum”; from March, after Stolpe; two-thirds natural size.
129. Hut-shaped ossuary; from I. Taylor, Origin of the Aryans.
130. Various forms of Fylfot or Svastika. A. Whorl from Hissarlik (1987), 7 m., third city, The Burnt City or Ilios; B. Do. (1861), 3½ m., fifth city; C. Do. (1990), 4 m., fifth city; D. Do. (1873); E. Detail from whorl (1993), 5 m., fourth city; F. Lotus derivative on a large amphora, with “geometric” decoration, Cyprus; G. Solar goose and lotus design on a Rhodian vase, from Salzmann, Nécropole de Camire; H. Coin from Selge, Pamphylia; I. Symbols on Lycian coins; K. Triskelion on a Celtiberian coin; L. On a silver bowl, Etruria; also on Chinese ware; M. Coin from Cnossus, Crete; N. Ancient Indian coin; O. On coin from Ujjan, Central India; P. Foot-print of Buddha (so-called), Amarávati Tope, India; R. Thibetian symbol; S. Roman altar at High Rochester, dedicated to Minerva, by Lucius Cæcilius Optatus; T. Roman altar at High Rochester, dedicated to the standards of the faithful of the Varduli by Titus Licinius Valerianus; U. Celto-Roman altar at Birdoswald, dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus (IOM), apparently by Dacians garrisoned in Ambloganna; the four-rayed wheels were solar symbols among the Gauls; W. Ogham stone, Aglish, County Kerry; X. Ancient Scandinavian symbols; Y. Legend on church bell, Hathersage, Derbyshire, 1617. A-E, P. H. Schliemann, Ilios; F, G. Goodyear, Grammar of the Lotus; H, L, O, X. R. P. Greg; Archæologia, xlviii., 1885; I, K, M, N, R. Count Goblet d’Alviella, The Migrations and Symbols; S, T, U, W, Y. H. Colley March, Trans. Lanc. and Cheshire Ant. Soc., 1886. For further details the reader is referred to these authors.