قراءة كتاب The Story of Bruges

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‏اللغة: English
The Story of Bruges

The Story of Bruges

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@46552@[email protected]#page_168" class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">168

Madonna and Niche 194 Maele Castle 196 The Hôtel de Ville 206 Porte de Gand 219 Old Houses at Damme 235 The Church of St. Sauveur 238 The Lepers’ Hospital, Marché au Fil 241 Old Roofs below the Belfry 255 The Belfry from the Quai Vert 263 Porte des Baudets 280 Hôtel Gruthuise 287 Kitchen in Gruthuise 290 Chimney-piece in the Gruthuise Palace 292 The ‘Paradise’ of Notre Dame and Gruthuise 307 Hooded Fire-place in the Gruthuise 312 Tribune of the Gruthuise in Notre Dame 314 The Hôtel Bladelin 317 The Ghistelhof 321 Courtyard of the Hôtel Adornes 322 Tomb of Anselm Adornes 324 Van Oudvelde’s Window by the Pont Flamand 328 Quai du Rosaire 329 Guild Hall of Archers of St. Sebastian 332 Portrait of George Van der Pale 349 Gerard David’s ‘Baptism of Christ’ 359 Memlinc’s ‘Adoration of the Magi’ 377 Memlinc’s ‘St. John the Baptist’ 382 Memlinc’s ‘St. Veronica’ 383 Bruges from the River Yperlet 392 Godshuis, Quai des Marbriers 394 Lancelot Blondeel’s Chimney-piece in the Palais du Franc 399 The Vlissinghe Tavern, frequented by Rubens
