steam--Trevithick's Dolcoath boiler when applied to the Watt engine, with expansive gear, to save 300l. monthly, 1806--Momentum of pumping engine--Continued tests of high and low pressure whim-engines at Dolcoath--Watt engine put aside, 1806--High-pressure engines ordered, 1806--High-pressure pumping engine for Wheal Abraham, 1806--Disputed patent right--Expansion reduces heat--Boiler for the Watt 63-inch engine, 1806--Cost of Trevithick's boiler--Advantage of small tubes in boilers--Trinity Board--Watt's steam-cylinder unsuitable for high steam, 1806--Sims' trial of engines--Little fight--Tubular boilers, 1806--High-pressure steam pumping engines, 1818--Reporter of engines--Application to Government, 1810--Dolcoath engines and boilers--High steam to the Watt engine--Duty of engines, 1812--Watt's boiler thrown out--Expansive valve--Dolcoath manager--Saving by boilers and expansive working, 1812--Lean's reports--Increased duty of the three old Dolcoath engines, 1814--76-inch engine, 1816--80,000l. a year saved--Durability of engine--Its removal--Cylindrical boilers--Hornblower and Watt engines--Davies Gilbert's report, 1798--Lean's report, 1816--Watt's views of expansive working--Watt's steam of 1 or 2 lbs. to the inch--Pole's statement--Engine at Marazion, 1804--Woolf in Cornwall--Rees' Cyclopædia--'Encyclopædia Britannica'--Application to Parliament--Wheal Towan--Newcomen and Watt engines--Pompe-à-feu 'La Belle Machine,' Dolcoath
114-194 |
Engines for South America. |
Engines for Lima, 1813--Uville's application to Watt--High-pressure model--Cerro de Pasco mines--Uville's return in search of Trevithick--Engines ordered--Pump-work--Modern pumping engines--Money difficulty--Weight of pieces--'Sanspareil' of 1813--Expansive working--Quartz crusher--Locomotive for South America, 1813--Sketch of winding engine--Their simplicity of form--Power and cost of engines--Trevarthen and Bull to accompany the engines--A third man recommended--Boilers put together at Cerro de Pasco--Uville's arrest--Trevithick a shareholder--Vivian's application--Departure of machinery, 1814--Uville's agreement--Invoice of engines sent |
195-220 |
Peru. |
Agreement for working the Peruvian mines, 1812--Uville and Watt, 1811--Uville and Trevithick, 1813--Uville's opinion of Trevithick--Estimated value of the mines--Machinery reached Peru, 1815--Trevithick's departure from Penzance, 1816--Mr. Edmond's statement--Cerro de Pasco mines in 1850--Report from the Viceroy of Peru, 1816--Report from the Magisterial Deputation of Yauricocha, 1816--Despatch from the Governor of the Province of Tarma, 1816--Pumping engines at work--The Viceroy's reply--Report in the 'Lima Gazette,' 1816--Trevithick's reception at Lima--Trevithick's report, 1817--Differences between Trevithick and Uville--Trevithick's thoughtless acts--His visit to the nunnery--The Lord Warden proposed to erect a statue in silver to Trevithick--Bust of Trevithick in Cornwall--Quicksilver--Sunk ship--Chili--Copper and silver mine--Departure from Lima--Cerro de Pasco mines |
221-259 |
Costa Rica. |
Gerard at Punta de Arenas, in the Pacific, in 1822--Nicolas Castro worked a gold mine, 1821--Alverado's ore-grinding machine, 1822--Climate of Costa Rica--Mines in the Cordillera--Canal from the river Machuca to Quebrada-honda--Castro's mine--Padre Arias, or the Priest's mine--Trevithick and Gerard's proposal for iron railroads, &c., for the mines of Costa Rica, 1827--New line of road from San Juan, on the Atlantic, to the Costa Rica mines--Serapique River navigable--Trevithick's diary--A mule track easily constructed--Comparative distance to the mines from the head of the Serapique on the Atlantic, and Punta de Arenas on the Pacific--Trevithick nearly drowned in the Serapique--Nearly starved before reaching San Juan--Performs a surgical operation--Designed the locomotive between breakfast and dinner--Robert Stephenson and Trevithick at Carthagena--Nearly drowned in the Magdalena--Saved by Mr. Bruce Napier Hall--Trevithick nursed Robert Stephenson |
260-275 |
Return to England. |
Bodmin School, 1827--Cube root--Trevithick's reception--Saving in Cornish mines--Model gun--Gerard's return, 1827--His meeting Robert Stephenson--His remarks on Costa Rica--Montelegre's search for a better line of road--Mr. M. Williams's proposal--Change of Ministry, and the gun-carriage--Model of iron packet-ship and engine--Robert Stephenson's remarks on mining--Trevithick's rejection of purchase-money |
276-283 |
Gun-carriage--Iron Ships--Hydraulic Crane--Ice Making--Drainage of Holland--Chain-pump--Open-top Cylinder--Hayle Harbour--Patent Rights--Petition to Parliament. |
Trevithick's description of gun-carriage and iron ship--Select committee--Glasgow iron-ship builders--Trevithick's comparison of gunpowder and steam--Cranes worked by air or water--Artificial cold--Liberality--Holland--Drainage--Dredging--Zuyder Zee--Hydraulic crane--Dutch pumping engine--Chain-pump--Haarlem Lake--Rhine--Windmills--Hayle Harbour--Disputed pole-engine patent right--Petition to Parliament, 1828--Marine boilers--Steam pressure--Engine duty--Lords of the Treasury refuse the petition--Davies Gilbert's views--Marine compound engine of 1871 |
284-314 |
Tubular Boiler--Superheating Steam--Surface Condenser. |
Binner Downs engine, 1828--Fires around cylinder and steam-pipes--Saving of coal--Surface condensation at sea--Superheating tubes--Used steam returned to the boiler, 1828--Holland pumping engine--Woolf at the Consolidated Mines--Laws of steam--Power of heat from 1 lb. of coal--Loss of heat--Experiments at Binner Downs--Surface condensation--Partial surface condensation for ships or railways--Effect of superheating--Watt's theory doubted--Wheal Towan and other engines--Loss of heat--Injection-water--Surface condensation and superheating--Partial condensation engine--Duty of chain pumping engine--Surface condensation by cold water or air--Results of the experiment--Hayle Harbour--Condenser of copper tubes, 1829--Suitability for steam-ships--Proposal to erect at his own expense a marine engine with surface