src="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@47735@47735-h@images@i_102.jpg" alt="ornament: man scared by a monkey" tag="{}img"/>
"Dat's a bad trick yo' muel Louisa's got, Brer Jackson!"
"I done bruk ebery shubel an' broom on de place on dat muel an' kyant cure her, Brer Peters."
"I kin, Brer Jackson!"
"Brer Peters, ef you cure that muel I gwine giv' yo' two pullets an' a water-million."
"I'se gwine off heah in de bushes, an' ef yo' a honorable muel like w'at you looks like, yo' gwine to stan' still, an' no pullin' on dat ole rope, w'at ain't strong, nohow; you heah me?"
"Look a' dat, Brer Jackson; look a' dat!"
"Ki, Brer Peters, ain' she a-gwine?"
"Is yo' hurt, Louisa? Po' Louisa! I reely 'stonished w'en I see yo' git a fall like dat."
"Did yo' foots slip, Louisa? W'at make yo' jump in de water dat-a-way?"
"Po' Louisa!"
"Louisa look kin' a down-hearted Brer Jackson."
"Dey ain' no mo' pull back in that muel; I jist keep de blinkers on her and tie her wif a piece of cotton thread dese days."
A tale of two tails.