قراءة كتاب A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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‏اللغة: English
A History of England, Period III.
Constitutional Monarchy

A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

class="tdl">1708  Threatened invasion of Scotland,

896 Battle of Oudenarde, 898 Siege of Lille, 900 Capture of Port Mahon, 901 1709  Louis offers to negotiate, 902 He rejects the high demands of the allies, 903 Battle of Malplaquet, 903 1702  Summary of political parties, 905 Marlborough seeks the support of all parties for the war, 905 Tory Parliament, 906 1703  Dismissal of Rochester, 906 Occasional Conformity Bill rejected, 906 The Methuen Treaty, 907 1704  Disputes on the Aylesbury election, 908 Dismissal of Nottingham, Jersey, and Seymour, 908 1705  Gradual introduction of Whig ministers, 910 1707  Weakness of the composite ministry, 911 Harley's intrigues against Marlborough, 911 1708  Harley and his colleagues resign, 912 A Whig ministry, 913 1709  Insecurity of Marlborough's position, 913 1710  Fall of the Whigs, 914 Dr. Sacheverell's sermons, 914 Dismissal of Sunderland and Godolphin, 914 Harley's Tory ministry, 915 Conference at Gertruydenberg,
