href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@47790@[email protected]#Page_1" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">1
Epitaph on his mother by her niece |
2 |
The schools that Cowper attended |
2 |
His sufferings during childhood |
2 |
His removal from Westminster to an attorney's office |
3 |
Verses on his early afflictions |
4 |
His settlement in the Inner Temple |
4 |
His acquaintance with eminent authors |
4 |
His translations in Duncombe's Horace |
4 |
His own account of his early life |
4 |
Stanzas on reading Sir Charles Grandison |
4 |
His verses on finding the heel of a shoe |
5 |
His nomination to the office of Reading Clerk in the House of Lords |
5 |
His nomination to be Clerk of the Journals in the House of Lords |
5 |
To Lady Hesketh. Journals of the House of Lords. Reflection on the singular temper of his mind. Aug. 9, 1763 |
5 |
His extreme dread of appearing in public |
6 |
His illness, and removal to St. Alban's |
6 |
Change in his ideas of religion |
7 |
His recovery |
7 |
His settlement at Huntingdon to be near his brother |
7 |
The translation of Voltaire's Henriade by the two brothers |
7 |
The origin of Cowper's acquaintance with the Unwins |
7 |
His adoption into the family |
8 |
His early friendship with Lord Thurlow, and J. Hill, Esq |
8 |
To Joseph Hill, Esq. Account of his situation at Huntingdon. June 24, 1765 |
9 |
To Lady Hesketh. On his illness and subsequent recovery. July 1, 1765 |
9 |
To Joseph Hill, Esq. Huntingdon and its amusements. July 3, 1765 |
10 |
To Lady Hesketh. Salutary effects of affliction on the human mind. July 4, 1765 |
10 |
To the same. Account of Huntingdon; distance from his Brother, &c. July 5, 1765 |
11 |
To the same. Newton's Treatise on Prophecy; Reflections of Dr. Young, on the Truth of Christianity. July 12, 1765 |
12 |
To the same. On the Beauty and Sublimity of Scriptural Language. Aug. 1, 1765 |
12 |
To Joseph Hill, Esq. Expected excursion. Aug. 14, 1765 |
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