قراءة كتاب Patty's Perversities

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‏اللغة: English
Patty's Perversities

Patty's Perversities

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2
Mrs. Sanford speaks 171 XXV. Clarence speaks 181 XXVI. Mullen House 186 XXVII. The Rustic Road 194 XXVIII. The Theatricals 199 XXIX. Night-scenes 206 XXX. The Wounds of a Friend 211 XXXI. Aunt Jeff remonstrates 219 XXXII. Heads and Tails 227 XXXIII. When she will, she will 233 XXXIV. The Maskers 241 XXXV. Peter Mixon 246 XXXVI. Mrs. Smithers 250 XXXVII. Thanksgiving 256 XXXVIII. A Test of Civilization 262 XXXIX. The Night-watch 269 XL. Clarence again 275 XLI. Old Mullen's Will 279 XLII. Bold Play 283 XLIII. Clarence is answered 289 XLIV. Will and Ease 294 XLV. A Quiet Wedding 297 XLVI. Christmas 302




"There is one thing sure," mused Patty Sanford, newly awakened by the sun's rays which streamed through her honeysuckle-draped casement; "there is one thing sure,—I shall go to the picnic with whom I like: else why should I go at all? To-day they will come to invite me. Burleigh will come, of course; but it is easy to get rid of him. Then Clarence Toxteth is sure to ask me. How it piques the girls to see me behind his span! Clarence's span is so nice! It is a pity he isn't—I mean I wish I liked him better. But he isn't always saying horrid things, like Tom Putnam. I wonder if Tom will ask me. I do so hope he will, so I can snub him. I'm sure," she continued to herself, in her energy raising herself upon her dimpled elbow,—"I'm sure I don't know anybody who needs snubbing more than he. If he only would come after Clarence has invited me, that would be fun. He'd manage to come out superior, though, in some way. He always does; and that's the worst of him—or the best, I'm not quite certain which. There! Will would say I was 'moonier than the moon.'—Flossy, Floss!"

"Yes," answered a sleepy voice from the next chamber.

"Are you awake?"

"Well," the voice replied with great deliberation, "not as much as some."

"You'd better be, then. There are oceans of things to see to to-day."

At that moment was heard from
