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قراءة كتاب The Country of the Dwarfs
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
coats I ordered two dozen blouses, made of durable linen stuff, of a color not easily seen in the woods. The blouse was a very convenient garment, admitting of numerous pockets, in which I could keep many things while on the march. Every thing was made for wear and not for show, and to go through the thickest and most thorny jungle.
Several dozen pocket-handkerchiefs completed my wearing outfit. Besides their ordinary use, these were to be worn, generally wet, inside the three fine soft Panama hats I had provided to protect my head from the rays of a burning sun. No collars, no neck-ties were necessary.
Clothes must be washed, so I took with me one hundred pounds of the hardest Marseilles soap. That quantity was not much, but then I would probably be able some time to make my own soap with palm-oil.
Then came the drugs, and these gave me more embarrassment than any thing else. If it had been only to take medicines for myself, the matter would have been simple enough. A compact little medicine-chest, with an extra quantity of quinine, laudanum, and a few other remedies used in tropical climates more frequently than in ours, would have sufficed; but I had to think of my followers and porters—a retinue that would sometimes number five and six hundred—and accordingly I purchased
- 75 ounce bottles of quinine.
- 10 gallons of castor-oil.
- 50 pounds of Epsom salts.
- 2 quarts of laudanum.
These were the medicines which would be the most needed; but, besides these, I had pretty nearly all the drugs to be found at the apothecary's.
Of arsenic I took one hundred pounds, to preserve the skins of animals and birds I expected to kill in my journeyings.
Most of these and my wearing apparel were packed in japanned tin boxes, which would be serviceable afterward for the preservation of my butterflies and stuffed birds. Tin boxes were safer than wooden ones; the white ants would not be able to pierce through them.
Though I did not set out to make war, I felt that I ought to be prepared for any emergency. Besides, I was to hunt, and I must have guns. After a great deal of thinking it over, I came to the conclusion that, for such a wild country, where I might get short of cartridges, the greater part of my guns should be muzzle-loaders, so I bought four splendid English muzzle-loaders, four long muzzle-loading rifles, two very short smooth-bore muzzle-loaders, and two very short muzzle-loading rifles.
Then I took a magnificent double-barrel breech-loading rifle which could throw steel-pointed bullets weighing more than two ounces. I had Dean and Adams's revolvers, magnificent arms that never got out of order, and several long, formidable hunting-knives.
These guns were for my own special use, and they were supplied with moulds for making bullets, etc., etc.
Besides these, I had ordered in Birmingham two hundred and fifty cheap guns for my body-guard and the native king, to whom I might desire to give one. Most of them were flint-locks, and of the pattern called the Tower.
I had great trouble in knowing what quantity of ammunition to take, for lead is heavy; but, then, what would a man do in a savage country without powder and bullets?
The great difficulty with rifle muzzle-loaders is, that when the charge has been driven home the bullets can not be easily withdrawn. So it is with the revolvers; and a great deal of ammunition would be lost on that account.
My ammunition consisted of 15,000 cartridges for my revolvers, in soldered tin boxes of fifties; 15,000 bullets for my guns and rifles, and lead for 20,000 more, for the practice of my men before starting into the desert; 1000 pounds of small shot of different sizes, for birds; 400 pounds of fine powder; 50,000 caps. I also took 200 10-pound barrels of coarse powder for my body-guard and to give away to my friends, or as presents.
So you see the warlike and hunting apparatus of the expedition was very heavy, but we were to depend in a great measure on our guns for food. Elephants, antelopes, hippopotami, gazelles, crocodiles, and monkeys would be our chief diet. Then came the scientific instruments:
- 4 strong, splendid hunting-case watches, by Brock, London.
- 1 watch made by Frodsham, London.
- 48 spare watch-keys and 24 spare glasses.
- 3 sextants, 8, 6, and 4 inches radius.
- 1 binocular yachting-glass.
- 1 telescope.
- 1 universal sun-dial (a magnificent instrument).
- 1 aneroid.
- 2 compasses, prismatic, with stand, shades, and reflector three inches in diameter, to take the bearings of land, etc., etc.
- 2 pocket compasses.
- 1 set drawing instruments (German silver).
- 2 dozen drawing-pens.
- 2 artificial horizons, folding roof, improved iron trough, and bottles containing quicksilver, in sling case.
- 1 hypsometrical apparatus.
- 2 bull's-eye lanterns, copper boiler, three reservoirs for spirits, oil, or candles.
- 3 thermometers for measuring heights and boiling water.
- 2 thermometers for the sun (to know its power).
- 2 thermometers graduated Fahrenheit and Centigrade.
- 1 thermometer graduated Centigrade and Reaumur.
- 1 powerful electro-magnetic machine, with 90 feet of conducting wire or cord.
- 2 large magnifying-glasses.
- 7 pounds of mercury, in a bottle, as a reserve supply.
- Parallel rule (German silver).
- Protractor, circular, with compass rectifier, in a mahogany box.
- 3 rain-gauges and spare glasses, to tell the amount of rain falling at a given time.
- Scale, 18 inches, metal, graduated to inches, and sub-divided to tenths and hundredths, in a box.
- Tape, 100 feet, to measure trees.
- 75 sheets of skeleton maps, ruled in squares, to mark out in the rough my daily route as determined by compass.
- 4 Nautical Almanacs, 1863, '4, '5, '6, to be used in my astronomical observations; and several other scientific books.
- 12 blank books for keeping my daily journal.
- 10 memorandum-books.
- 10 quires of paper.
- Ink, pens, pencils, slates.
For illumination I provided 100 pounds of wax candles, 10 gallons of spirits (alcohol) for lamps, thermometers, etc., etc.; 12 gross of matches in boxes, each dozen boxes inclosed in a separate soldered tin box. Though I had fire-steel and flint, the matches could light a fire much quicker, and they were "big things" with the natives.
So you see I had a complete set of instruments, and in sufficient number, so that in case of accident I could replace the injured one; and accidents I knew were sure to happen.
If I did not explain to you why I took five watches, I am sure you would say that I was foolish to spend so much money in watches. Then let me tell you that I bought so many because I was afraid that if I took only one or two, they might stop running, and in this event it would have been impossible for me to know my longitude, that is to say, how far east or west I might be, and to ascertain the day and month, should illness have caused me to forget the calendar. No watch can be safely depended upon to run for five years in such a climate without cleaning. But as four of them had been made specially for the journey, I felt assured that at least one or two out of the five would run till my return.
But we have not yet done with my equipment. There were 18 boxes containing photographic apparatus, with tent, and chemicals for 10,000 photographs. The transportation of these alone would require twenty men.
All that I have enumerated to you constituted but a small proportion of the things that came on board, and