class="tdl">Ox-biter—The Red-beaked Ox-biter. The Glossy Starlings (Lamprotornithes)—The Bronze-coloured
Glossy Starling—The Golden-breasted Glossy Starling—The Superb Glossy Starling—The Scaly Glossy |
Starling—The Brazen Glossy Magpie. The Rock Glossy Starlings (Moriones):—The White-beaked |
Rock Glossy Starling. The Mountain Glossy Starlings (Amydrus):—The Naburup. The Orioles |
(Orioli):—The Satin Bower Bird—The Spotted Collar Bird—The Pirol, Golden Oriole, or Cherry |
Bird—The Golden-crested Oriole |
210-243 |
The Birds of Paradise (Paradiseæ):—The Footless Bird of Paradise—The Wumbi—The Ruby, or Red Bird |
of Paradise—The King of the Birds of Paradise—The Collared Bird of Paradise. Epimachi:—The |
Resplendent Epimachus—The Collared Epimachus—The Magpie Bird of Paradise |
243-253 |
The Ravens Proper (Coraces). The Mountain Crows, or Choughs (Fregili):—The Chough—The Snow |
Crow, or Alpine Chough. The True Ravens:—The Raven—The White-necked Vulture Raven—The |
Scapulated Raven. The Crows (Corvus):—The Carrion Crow—The Hooded Crow—The Rock |
or Field Crow—The Jackdaw—The Glossy Crow—The Nutcracker. The Piping Crows (Phonygamæ):—The |
Flute Bird—The Bell Bird or Bell Magpie—The Bald-headed Crow. The Tree Crows, or |
Jays (Garruli):—The Magpie—The Blue Magpie. The Blue Ravens (Cyanocorax):—The Hooded |
Blue Raven—The Crested Blue Jackdaw—The Common Jay—The Unlucky Jay. The Long-tailed |
Crows (Glaucopes). The Tree Magpies (Dendrocitta):—The Wandering Magpie—The Benteot—The |
Long-tailed Kitta—The Feather-beaks (Cissa):—The Sirgang, or Green Jackdaw |
254-283 |
The Plantain Eaters (Amphibolæ). The True Plantain Eaters (Musophagæ):—The Banana Eater. |
The Helmet Birds (Corythaix):—The White-cheeked Helmet Bird—The Turako. The Split Beaks |
(Schirzorhis):—The Alarm Bird. The Colies, or Mouse Birds (Colii):—The Wiriwa—The White-cheeked |
Mouse-Bird |
283-290 |
Birds of Prey (Raptores). The Falcons (Falconidæ). The Noble Falcons (Falcones). The Hunting |
Falcons (Hierofalco). The Wandering Falcons (Falco):—The Peregrine Falcon—The Red-necked |
Falcon—The Tree Falcon—The Berigora. The Kestrels (Tinnunculus):—The Lark Kestrel—The |
Kestrel—The Red-footed, or Evening Falcon—The Sparrow Falcon. The Dwarf Falcons (Hierax):—The |
Muti |
291-312 |
Plate I.—The Scarlet Macaw. |
Plate VI.—The Waglers Cassicus. |
" II.—The Ground Parrakeet. |
" VII.—The Sharp-billed Oriole. |
" III.—The Blue-striped Lory. |