class="c4">Sparrow—The Plain Sparrow—The Golden Sparrow—The Rock Sparrow. The Hawfinches
(Coccothraustæ):—The Green Grosbeak—The Hawfinch—The Evening Cherry Hawfinch—The |
Large-beaked Hawfinch. The Parrot Finches (Pityli):—The Rose-breasted Hawfinch—The |
Cardinal Grosbeak—The Dominican Finch—The Tiny Finch—The Diadem Grosbeak—The Ashy-blue |
Parrot Finch—The Masked Parrot Finch |
131-148 |
The Habias (Saltator):—The Capi. The Plant Cutters (Phytotoma): The Rarita. The Tangaras |
Proper:—The Ornate Tangara. Fire Tangaras (Pyranga):—The Flax Bird—The Fire Tangara |
The Callistes (Calliste):—The Red-necked Calliste. The Callous-beaked Tangaras (Ramphocelus):—The |
Tapiranga. The Butcher-bird Tangaras (Lanio):—The Black-headed Butcher-bird Tangara. |
The Organist Tangaras (Euphone):—The Violet Organist. The Bright-coated Finches (Amadinæ):—The |
Band Bird. The Hooded Finches (Spermestes):—The Magpie Finch. Australian |
Finches:—The Reed Finches (Donacola):—The Chestnut Reed Finch. The Double-banded Reed Finch. |
The Grass Finches (Poëphila). Chaff-finches (Chloëbia):—The Admirable Chaff-finch—The Rice |
Bird—The Little Goldbreast—The Blood Finch—The Variegated Finch—The Steel Finch—The Butterfly |
Finch. The Astrilds (Astrildæ):—The Grey Astrild—The Pheasant Finch |
148-165 |
Weaver Birds (Plocei):—The Social Weaver Bird—The Golden Weaver Bird—The Masked Weaver Bird—The |
Baya—The Crimson-beaked Weaver Bird—The Taha—The Flame-coloured Fire Finch—The Red-beaked |
Buffalo Weaver Bird—The Alecto Buffalo Weaver Bird—The Dinemelli Buffalo Weaver Bird |
166-178 |
The Whydah or Widow Birds (Viduæ):—The Yellow-shouldered Mourning Widow—The Long-tailed |
Widow Bird—The Paradise Widow Bird |
178-181 |
The American Finches (Passerella):—The White-throated Sparrow—The Morning Finch—The Tree Bunting |
Finch—The Prairie Bunting Finch—The Sea Bunting Finch |
181-184 |
The Buntings (Emberizæ):—The Crested Bunting—The Grey Bunting—The Golden Bunting—The Ortolan—The |
Red Bunting—The Black-headed Bunting—The Reed Bunting—The Lark Bunting—The Snow Bunting |
185-195 |
The Larks (Alaudæ):—The Calandra Lark—The Short-toed Lark or Calandrelle—The Black or Moor |
Lark—The Desert Lark—The Black-headed Bunting Lark—The Alpine Lark. The Larks Proper |
(Alaudæ):—The Tufted Lark—The Wood Lark—The Sky Lark—The Sentry Lark. The Courser |
Larks (Alaemon):—The Desert Courser Lark |
195-202 |
The Starlings (Sturnidæ). The Troopials (Agelaii):—The Boblink or Rice Bird. The Marsh Troopials |
(Agelaius):—The Red-winged Troopial. The Cow Birds (Molothrus):—The Cow Starling. The |
Yellow or Golden Starlings (Icteri):—The Jamaica Yellow Bird—The Baltimore Golden Starling. |
The Cassicans (Cassici):—The Japu, or Tufted Cassican. The Boat-tails (Quiscalus):—The Great |
Boat-tail. The Starlings Proper (Sturni):—The Common Starling—The Sardinian Starling—The |
Rose Starling—The Mina Birds—The Musical Grakle. The Ox-biters (Buphagæ):—The African |