قراءة كتاب A History of Matrimonial Institutions, Volume 1 (of 3)

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A History of Matrimonial Institutions, Volume 1 (of 3)

A History of Matrimonial Institutions, Volume 1 (of 3)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

Chapters XVI-XVIII

396-402 Case Index 405-411 Subject Index 413-449




[Bibliographical Note I.—The modern history of the patriarchal theory begins with Filmer's Patriarchia (London, 1680), in which the author finds in the Hebrew family a justification of the "divine prerogative" of kings; and the trenchant reply of Locke in The Two Treatises on Civil Government (London, 1690), reprinted with Filmer's work in the ninth volume of Morley's Universal Library. But the theory is especially associated with the name of Sir Henry Maine. His Ancient Law (New York, 1861), aside from its leading hypothesis, is one of the most suggestive books of the century. It was followed by the Early History of Institutions (New York, 1875); the Village Communities (New York, 1876); and Early Law and Custom (New York, 1883). In this last work he contributes supplementary chapters on such topics as "Ancestor-Worship" and "East European House Communities," and he replies to his critics. Maine is criticised by Spencer, Principles of Sociology (New York, 1879), Vol. I, Part III, chap. ix; and by McLennan, Patriarchal Theory (London, 1885), who, on the negative side, is fairly successful in confuting his adversary. Hearn's Aryan Household (London, 1879) and the Ancient City (Boston, 1877) of Fustel de Coulanges take practically the same view of primitive society as Maine, while particularly emphasizing ancestor-worship and the genealogical organization.

For the early Aryans and the Hindus see Zimmer's Alt-indisches Leben (Berlin, 1879); Delbrück's Die indogermanischen Verwandtschaftsnamen (Leipzig, 1885); Schrader's Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte (Jena, 1883), or the English translation by Jevons (London, 1890); Zmigrodski's Die Mutter bei den Völkern des arischen Stammes (Munich, 1886); and especially Leist's epoch-making works, Graeco-italische Rechtsgeschichte (Jena, 1884) and the Alt-arisches Jus Gentium (Jena, 1889). Of first-rate value also are the Rechtshistorische und rechtsvergleichende Forschungen (Part III, on Indisches Ehe- und Familienrecht) and the other papers of the indefatigable Kohler. Of these the following are particularly interesting in this connection, all found in the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft: "Rechtsverhältnisse auf dem ostind. Archipel u. den westl. Karolinen," ZVR., VI, 344-50; "Gewohnheitsrechte des Pendschabs," ibid., VII, 161-239; "Indische Gewohnheitsrechte," ibid., VIII, 89-147, 262-73; "Gewohnheitsrechte von Bengalen," ibid., IX, 321-60; "Gewohnheitsrechte der Provinz Bombay," ibid., X, 64-142, 161-88; "Gewohnheitsrechte der ind. Nordwestprovinzen," ibid., XI, 161-95; and, for comparison, "Die Ionsage und Vaterrecht," ibid., V, 407-14; "Studien über künstliche Verwandtschaft," ibid., V, 415-40; and "Das Recht der Armenier," ibid., VII, 385-436. As in the last-named paper, the influence of Roman law may be traced in Mégavorian, Étude ethnographique et juridique sur la famille et le mariage arméniens (Paris, 1894). Hass, "Die Heirathsgebrāuche der alten Inder nach den Grihyasûtra," in Weber's Indische Studien, V, 267-412 (Berlin, 1862), reveals in an admirable way the religious spirit pervading the ancient Hindu matrimonial life. This study suggested the excellent monograph of Weber, "Vedische Hochzeitssprüche," ibid., V, 177-266; while the conclusions of both Haas and Weber are ably supported, with the aid of additional sources, by the more elaborate paper of Winternitz, "Das altindische Hochzeitsrituell," in Denkschriften der kais. Akad. d. Wiss., phil.-hist. Klasse, XL, 1-113 (Vienna, 1892). In this connection, for comparison, may be read Mackenzie, "An Account of the Marriage Ceremonies of the Hindus and Mahommedans as Practised in the Southern Peninsula of India," in Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, III (London, 1835); and Lushington, "On the Marriage Rites and Usages of the Jâts of Bharatpur," in Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, II, 273-97 (Calcutta, 1833). Especially important are Bernhöft's "Die Grundlagen der Rechtsentwicklung bei den indogermanischen Völkern," in ZVR., II, 253-328; his "Altindisches Familienorganisation," ibid., IX, 1-45; and his "Das Gesetz von Gortyn," ibid., VI, 281-304, 430-40. A popular, but in the main uncritical, book is Clarisse Bader's La femme dans l'Inde antique (2d ed., Paris, 1867). Similar in plan and treatment are her La femme biblique (new ed., Paris, 1873); La femme grecque (2d ed., Paris, 1873); and La femme romaine (2d ed., Paris, 1877). A strong defense of the dignified position of the ancient Indic woman, based on the sources, may be found in Jacolliot's La femme dans l'Inde (Paris, 1877); and Mary Frances Billington is a vigorous champion of the social status of modern Woman in India (London, 1895). See also Pizzi, "Les coutumes nuptiales aux temps héroïques de l'Iran," in La Muséon, II, 3 (1883); Vidyasagar, On Widow-Marriages among the Hindus (Calcutta, 1855); and Schlagintweit, "Die Hindu-Wittwe in Indien," in Globus, XLIII (1883). Among the best technical writings are Mayne's Hindu Law and Usage (Madras and London, 1888); Jolly's Hindu Law of Partition (Calcutta, 1885); his Rechtliche Stellung der Frauen bei den alten Indern (Munich, 1876); Tupper's Punjab Customary Law (Calcutta, 1881); and Gooroodass's "The Hindu Law of Marriage and Stridahn," in Tagore Law Lectures, 1878 (Calcutta, 1879). Max Müller's series of Sacred Books contains Apastamba, Gautama, Visnu, and the other Sūtras, as well as the later versified law-books of Manu and Yājñavalkya, with other sources of ancient Indic custom. Burnell and Hopkins's Manu (London, 1891) is an excellent edition; and Jolly has a German translation of Books VIII and IX in ZVR., III, 232-83; IV, 321-61. For each important point these sources are thoroughly collated in the writings of Kohler, Leist, and Jolly, above referred to.

For the Slavs, Krauss's Sitte und Brauch der Südslaven (Vienna, 1885) is the most valuable treatise. See also Turner, Slavisches Familienrecht (Strassburg, 1874); and Kovalevsky's Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia (London, 1891), in which the author criticises and corrects Sir Henry Maine on important points. For Greece, in addition to Leist's works above mentioned, see the paper of Campaux, Du mariage à Athènes (Paris, 1867); that of Moy, "La famille dans Homère," in Revue des cours littéraires, 8 mars 1869; Stegeren, De conditione civili feminarum atheniensium (Zwallae, 1839); Ouvré, Observations sur le régime matrimonial au temps d'Homère (Paris, 1886); Lasaulx, Zur Geschichte und Philosophie der Ehe bei den Griechen (Munich, 1852); especially Hruza's Die Ehebegründung nach attischem Rechte (Erlangen and
