قراءة كتاب An Historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps, from its Original Institution down to the Present Era, 1803

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An Historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps, from its Original Institution down to the Present Era, 1803

An Historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps, from its Original Institution down to the Present Era, 1803

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

class="tdl">Col's. Co. commanded by Capt. Lt.

Robt. Crawford, Capt. Lt. Philom. Powell Lt. Colonel's Co. commanded by Lieut. Edm. Yarborough Arthur Townshend Major's Co. commanded by Lieut. Theoph. Bleehenden William Pearson Geo. Littleton, Captain Lieut. Edmund Wilson James Man Sir Thomas Cutler Robert Lloyd John Hill Edward Nott Francis Hobblin Alexander Erwin Francis Ezod Francis Butler Thomas Man Edward Harris John Thorn William Somers Samuel Scudamore George Rooke Gilbert Simons Chichester Wray Henry Hewys Geo. Littleton Charles Herbert Thomas Whaley Francis Ezord Edmund Plowden William Oglethorpe Jo. Whaley

State Major, or the Staff Officers of the Admiral Regiment,

Richard Beauvoir, Adjutant.
Tobias Legross, Quarter-Master.
Samuel Tatham, Chirurgeon.
John Tatham, Chirurgeon's Mate.

This regiment consisted of twelve companies, without any grenadiers, had yellow coats lined with red, and their colours were a red cross, with rays of the sun issuing from each of its angles. It stood the third in seniority in the line of that day; and it may be presumed, from its subsequent reduction, that a step was obtained in it by the 4th, then the Regiment of Holland, commanded by John, the second Lord Mulgrave, and now entitled The Old Buffs.

Betwixt 1687 and 1698, there were several maritime regiments raised for the purposes, and under the regulations I have stated. They were Colonels Mordaunt, Colt, Seymour, and Brudenell's; also, Sir Cloudesley Shovel's, my Lord Torrington's, and the Marquis of Carmarthen's; all of which were disbanded during the currency of 1697 and 1698.

The expences incurred by the maintenance of the maritime troops were classed with the estimates of the navy, and money was issued from time to time, by warrant from the Lord High Treasurer to the Treasurer of the Navy, who placed it in the hands of a person especially appointed to receive and pay it. Under this system, the Admiralty and Navy Boards were subjected to much trouble, in forming and directing its different arrangements.

From the nature of the marine service, at this period, few or no achievements occur which can be peculiarly attached to it as a corps. We find them honourably mentioned in the operations against St. Christopher's, and the successful attack upon Cork, under the æra of 1690. The detail of loss upon the former occasion is thus described, and evinces that their energies also, as soldiers, were called forth when occasion might require them. "In this action we had killed and wounded upwards of 130 men, and Captain Keigwin, a sea commander, who was appointed Colonel of the Marine Regiment, (which consisted of about 230 seamen) was shot through the thigh, of which wound he died, before he could be carried on board, and Captain Brisbane, who acted as First Captain to the Marines, receiving a shot through the body, expired that night on board the Bristol."

Embodied under similar circumstances, they of course partook in the various services of debarkation, which the emergency of those times might have demanded, until the peace of Ryswick, which, for a while, closed the existence of marine forces.

The expences of King William's war, upwards of eight years' duration, are so moderate when contrasted with these of later days, that they merit a place in any retrospect which treats of that period; and it is to be remarked that 40,000 seamen were maintained during the last years of it.

Total navy estimates allowed £16,303,713 15 0
Total army     do.        do. £18,487,671 17 10
£34,764,385 12 10

In all, thirty-four millions seven hundred sixty-four thousand three hundred eighty-five pounds, twelve shillings and ten pence!

I cannot bid adieu to the transactions of this auspicious reign, which has established the happiness and the liberties of my country, without commenting upon two events of it, that must be materially interesting to every military man—I mean the code of laws for the good order and discipline of our armies, and the grant of half-pay bestowed upon disbanded officers.

The first was adopted in an hour of urgent expediency, in order to restrain the uncontrouled outrages of a discontented soldiery, on account of arrears due to them. This act was passed in great haste upon the 12th day of April, 1689, and has progressively experienced these various improvements that arise out of occasions. It undergoes annually a legislative sanction, under the title of the Mutiny Bill.

Half-pay was a gift decreed upon the 18th of January, 1697, and has subsequently involved many a doubt, whether as having been intended in the light of a retaining fee, or as a reward for past services. Opposite decisions have authorised different constructions, while the lapse of more than one hundred years has not yet explicitly brought the point to an issue.

The manly and independent spirit of our judges, pure as these laws that controul their opinions, has not been able to adjust the question.

In the case of General Ross, which was submitted to their enquiry and determination—they resolved that he could not be amenable, as a half-pay officer, to military jurisdiction; but the discussion extended no farther.

In 1715 a number of officers, however, who drew this recompence from the public, most ingloriously joined the Pretender. The issue being unfortunate for them, they were all taken prisoners, and afterwards tried and executed by martial law; although they might have been capitally convicted as rebels, by the common law of the land.

In having adduced these opposite examples, I cannot withhold a remark, that under no one head of the articles of war is this description of men noticed; and I can readily anticipate the answer of an Englishman, were I to ask him if any laws should affect such an object as I have defined, in which he is not expressly specified?

In this flourishing country, where industry and enterprize are open to all, it often happens that an officer, when the State no longer wants his services, turns his attention and the little capital he may possess, to commercial pursuits. In this new profession he very probably advances the public interests more essentially than were he recalled to his former
