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Hawkins Electrical Guide, Vol 4
Questions, Answers, & Illustrations.

Hawkins Electrical Guide, Vol 4 Questions, Answers, & Illustrations.

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@49512@[email protected]#fig0797" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">fig. 797, and toward the dynamos under the reverse condition.

In the case represented in fig. 797, there are five lamps in circuit, requiring 2½ amperes of current at a pressure of 110 volts. The two lamps in the upper set will require 1 ampere, and the three lamps in the lower set, 1½ amperes. Since a pressure of 110 volts can force only a current of one ampere through resistance of the two lamps in the upper set, it is evident, that the additional ½ ampere required by the three lamps in the lower set will have to be supplied through the neutral wire, as shown.

Balancing of Three Wire System.—In practice it is impossible to obtain an exactly balanced system, as the turning on and off of lamps as required results in a preponderance of lamps in the upper or lower sets, and furthermore, even when the number of lamps in the two sets are equal, they may be located irregularly, thereby causing the currents to flow for short distances in the neutral line. Therefore, the larger the number of lamps in the circuit, the easier it will be to keep the system in a balanced condition.

Copper Economy in Three Wire Systems.—Theoretically, the size of the neutral wire has to be only sufficient to carry the largest current that will pass through it. A large margin of safety, however, is allowed in practice so that its cross section ranges from about one-third that of the outside line, in large central station systems, to the same as that of each outside line in small isolated systems.

If the neutral wire be made one-half the size of the outside conductor, as is usually the case in feeders, the amount of copper required is 5/16 of that necessary for the two wire system. For mains it is customary to make all three conductors the same size increasing the amount of copper to ⅜ of that required for the two wire system.

Fig. 795.—Dobrowolsky three wire system with self-induction coil. It consists of an ordinary direct current dynamo, the armature A and pole pieces N and S of which are shown. A self-induction coil D, is connected to two diametrically opposite points of the winding of the armature A. The coil D may be carried by and revolve with the armature; but in the construction represented, it is stationary, being connected to the armature winding through the brushes CC, rings and wires JJ. The middle point of the self-induction coil D, is connected to the neutral conductor O of the three wire system, the outside conductors + and - being supplied from the brushes BB in the usual manner. The pressure at the terminals of the coil D is alternating; hence the latter, on account of its self-induction, does not act as a short circuit to the armature. Furthermore, the inductances of the two halves of the coil D being equal, the pressure of the neutral wire O is kept midway between the pressures of the outside wires + and -. When the two sides of the system are unbalanced in load, the difference in current carried in one direction or the other by the neutral wire passes freely through the coil D, since the current is steady, or varies slowly, and is therefore unimpeded by the self-induction. It is evident that the ohmic resistance of D should be as low and its self-induction as high as possible, in order that the loss of energy and the difference in voltage on the two sides of the system shall be as small as possible under all conditions.

Modifications of the Three Wire System.—By the employment of suitable arrangements, it is possible to operate a three wire system with only one dynamo. Some of the various arrangements which have been used or proposed in this connection may be briefly mentioned as follows:

Three Wire Storage Battery System, in which a storage battery is connected between the two outside wires, and the pressure of the neutral wire varied to balance the system by shifting the point at which it is connected to the battery.

Three Wire Double Dynamo System, in which a double dynamo having two armature windings upon the same core, connected to two separate commutators, is used in the same manner as two separate dynamos connected in series.

Three Wire Bridge System, in which a resistance is connected across the two outside wires, and the neutral wire is brought to a point on the resistance through a movable switch. The pressures on the two sides of the circuit are equalized by adjusting the arm of the switch for any change of load.

Fig. 796.—Three wire compensator system. A and B are the compensators or equalizers. They consist of auxiliary dynamos coupled together and connected to the system as shown. D is the main dynamo, and E, a booster.

Three Wire Three Brush Dynamo System, in which the neutral wire is connected to a third brush on the dynamo.

Dobrowolsky Three Wire System, in which a self-induction coil is connected to two diametrically opposite points of the armature of an ordinary direct current dynamo. The principle of this system is illustrated in fig. 795.

Three Wire Auxiliary Dynamo System, in which the neutral wire is connected to an auxiliary dynamo which supplies a pressure one-half as great as that of the main dynamo. The auxiliary dynamo is usually belt driven by the main dynamo, and acts as a dynamo when the load is greater on the negative side of the circuit, and as a motor when the excess of load is on the positive side.

Three Wire Compensator System, in which two auxiliary dynamos A and B called compensators or equalizers, are coupled together and connected to the system as shown in fig. 796. Each compensator generates one-half as much pressure as the main dynamo D, and serves to equalize the pressure and the load, the compensator on the lightly loaded side operating as a motor and driving the other as a dynamo. When the system is exactly balanced, both compensators run as motors under no load, therefore, consume very little energy. In this arrangement only one booster E, is required for both sides of the system, as the compensators are connected to the outside wires at a point beyond the boosters, and therefore, sub-divide the increased difference of pressure equally between the two sides of the system.
