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قراءة كتاب Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians

Ethnobotany of the Ojibwe Indians

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

class="pginternal" tag="{}a">LIII.

fig. 1. Splitting cedar log. fig. 2. Making canoe ribs. LIV. fig. 1. Shaping canoe nose. fig. 2. Canoe form. LV. fig. 1. Jack Pine roots. fig. 2. Coiled roots. LVI. fig. 1. Boiling pitch. fig. 2. Sewing canoe. LVII. fig. 1. Pitching seams. fig. 2. Launching canoe. LVIII. fig. 1. Ojibwe garden. fig. 2. Bark wigwam. LIX. fig. 1. Piawantaginum. fig. 2. White Cloud. LX. fig. 1. Bear Island. fig. 2. Tamarack branch. LXI. fig. 1. Ground Pine. fig. 2. Giant Puffball. LXII. fig. 1. Balsam Fir. fig. 2. White Spruce. LXIII. fig. 1. White Pine. fig. 2. Norway Pine. LXIV. fig. 1. Bur Oak. fig. 2. Red Oak. LXV. fig. 1. Red Maple. fig. 2. Mountain Holly. LXVI. fig. 1. Sphagnum Moss. fig. 2. Virginia Grape Fern. LXVII. fig. 1. Pitcher-plant. fig. 2. Cranberries. LXVIII. fig. 1. Poison Ivy. fig. 2. Box Elder. LXIX. fig. 1. Balsam Apple. fig. 2. Great Willow-herb. LXX. fig. 1. Wild Currant. fig. 2. River-bank Grape. LXXI. fig. 1. Canada Mayflower. fig. 2. Spikenard. LXXII. fig. 1. Twisted Stalk. fig. 2. Solomon’s Seal. LXXIII. fig. 1. Meadow Rue. fig. 2. Carrion-flower. LXXIV. fig. 1. Wild Columbine. fig. 2. Canada Anemone. LXXV. fig. 1. Goldthread. fig. 2. Wintergreen. LXXVI. fig. 1. Red Baneberry. fig. 2. Labrador Tea. LXXVII. fig. 1. Agrimony. fig. 2. Hawthorn.
