href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@50205@[email protected]#Page_329" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">329-335
Chapter VIII.—Battista Vernazza’s Life |
336-367 |
Introductory |
336, 337 |
I. |
Battista’s Life, from April 1497 to June 1510 |
337-339 |
II. |
Battista and her God-father, Tommaso Moro |
339-344 |
III. |
Battista’s Colloquies, November 1554 to Ascension Day 1555 |
344-358 |
IV. |
Some further Letters of Battista, 1575-1581 |
358-366 |
V. |
Battista’s Death, May 1587 |
366, 367 |
Wherein lies the Secret of Spiritual Persuasiveness |
367-370 |
Chronological Account and Critical Analysis of the Materials for the Re-constitution of Saint Catherine’s Life and Teaching |
371-466 |
Introduction: The Three Laws that govern the Growth of Religious Biography; Complexity of the Materials for Catherine’s Life |
371-376 |
First Division: Account and Analysis of the Documents previous, and immediately subsequent to, the “Vita e Dottrina” with the “Dicchiarazione,” in Seven Stages |
376-433 |
I. |
First Stage: August 1456 to September 12, 1510, all Legal |
376-380 |
II. |
Second Stage: Five further Official and Legal Documents, 1511-1526; and Four Mortuary Dates, 1524-1587 |
380, 381 |
III. |
Third Stage: Bishop Giustiniano’s Account of Catherine’s Life, Remains, and Biography, 1537 |
382-384 |
IV. |
Fourth Stage: The Two Oldest Extant Manuscripts of the “Vita e Dottrina” with the “Dicchiarazione.” Manuscript A (October 1547 to February 1548), and Manuscript B |
384-395 |
V. |
Fifth Stage: Manuscript C (copy of a MSS. of 1550?), first appearance of the “Dialogo,” “Chapter” First |
395-410 |
VI. |
Sixth Stage: First Printed Edition of the “Vita-Dottrina-Dicchiarazione,” 1551; Examination of all it possesses in addition to Manuscripts A, B, and C, apart from the “Dialogo” |
411-417 |
VII. |
Seventh Stage: The Second “Chapter” of the “Dialogo,” which appears for the first time in the Printed “Vita,” 1551 |
417-424 |
Seventh Stage continued: Minute Analysis of one Passage from the Second “Chapter” |
424-427 |
IX. |
Seventh Stage concluded: Character and Authorship of this Second “Chapter” |
427-433 |
Second Division: Analysis, Assignation, and Appraisement of the “Vita-Dottrina-Dicchiarazione” Corpus, in Eight Sections |
433-466 |
I. |
The “Dicchiarazione”: the Two Stages of its Existence |
434-440 |