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eKtab is proud to introduce eKtab Karaoke - The First Music eBook

eKtab is proud to introduce eKtab Karaoke - The First Music eBook
 Amma, Jordan ―February 6, 2015―eKtab,, today announced the launch of the first music ebook worldwide naming it eKtab Karaoke. This is the first time where an ebook format (epub3) combines a music album or single synced with its lyrics eKtab karaoke is the best way for book and music lovers to browse, buy and read books on Apps.
“We’re excited to launch eKtab Karaoke starting with the Arabic language music ebooks, Rap songs from the famous DAM group and children songs,” said Haitham Rezeq, eKtab’s Co-Founder & CMO. “We think customers are going to love how engaging and interactive the books are to sound, read, and how beautiful they look on our platforms.” “We are proud to be the first in the world to combine music and words in ebooks and it starts in Arabic”. customers can choose from free and paid children and Rap Arabic songs while very soon we will have all genres of music from all around the world combining music and words in one book. This way we are encouraging the new generation market to read books while using new technologies to introduce new ways of reading books or hearing music.,  and eKtab Karaoke are available to 350 million Arabs and the rest of the world and offers tens of categories including fiction, cookbooks, history books, biographies, picture books and children’s books with free books available. The ektab app for IOS and Android has been downloaded thousands of times worldwide.
eKtab is the first Arabic electronic book marketplace and publishing company developed by eKtab Ltd in Jordan in 2010. Being the largest and most diverse electronic publications store in the Arabic language on the internet; combining Arabic and translated, international, political, cultural, historical, literature and poetry books, by applying the latest standards and technological mediums in order to facilitate the process of finding, downloading, purchasing and reading the Arabic book. 
eKtab also invests technologically to offer the first and only Arabic read aloud children books, which contributes in developing the knowledge, comprehension skills and critical thinking of the child, in addition to enriching their linguistic ability and memory, among other things. 
eKtab is the primary source for Arabic books, and a leading library that is easily accessible on the Web, where the user can immediately buy and download electronic books, and to read them over smart phones, tablets and personal computers.
eKtab is building a rich and warm home for the Arab writer, publisher and reader in order to enhance their prominence internationally, and become an inspiration in culture and knowledge. eKtab has an ambitious and sharp vision towards establishing a network for diverse readers of different ages, and therefore a network for an intellectual society. 
eKtab finds great importance of this establishment, firstly for the urgent need to offer access to information in an era dominated by a fast rhythm in receiving and diversifying sources. Secondly to regain the value of the Arabic book, it’s cultural, knowledge and enlightening role
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يسرقون الصيف من صندوق الملابس نزار أبو ناصر

يسرقون الصيف من صندوق الملابس

نزار أبو ناصر


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