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قراءة كتاب The Boy Allies at Liège; Or, Through Lines of Steel

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‏اللغة: English
The Boy Allies at Liège; Or, Through Lines of Steel

The Boy Allies at Liège; Or, Through Lines of Steel

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8


"There she goes!" cried Chester, and the big machine, as though making a desperate leap, hurled itself into space, where it soared for a moment like a huge bird, and then disappeared from sight.

"Well, it's gone," said the lieutenant sorrowfully; "and now it's up to us to hoof it, to the next town, at least."

The five moved into the woods and just as they gained the first dense covering there was a sound from the road over which they had come.

Dropping to the ground, they peered between the trees. Presently a second huge car, in which could be caught a glimpse of uniforms, rounded the curve, flashed by, and disappeared down the road.

"Let's go farther into the woods," urged Chester. "We might be seen here."

Going deeper and deeper in among the trees the five continued their journey; and, when they felt sure they had penetrated far enough to avoid any chance of detection, they turned their faces northward and set out at a brisk pace.
