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قراءة كتاب The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 584. (Supplement to Vol. 20)
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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 584. (Supplement to Vol. 20)
Spencer, eccentricities of, 317
James I., boyhood and education of, 233
Jemmy Maclaine, the highwayman, 291
Jews, persecution of, 319
John, King, death of, 288
Johnson, Dr., birthplace of, 257
and George III., 318
pun by, 272
Jones, Sir William, his plan of study, 358
Judas Iscariot's betrayal of Christ, 120
Judge, upright, one, 267
Juliet, character of, 117
tomb of, 265
Junot and Napoleon, anecdote of, 190
Kemble, John anecdote of, 318
Ken, bishop, 48—336
Kenulph, King, his daughter, a tale, 4
Key, ancient, 337
King William IV., domestic habits of, 303
Kings, poverty of, 358
Knife-handle, antique, 345
Knowledge, how to acquire, 416
Korner, lines from, 38
Laconics, 31
La Fontaine, absence of, 111
Land-storm, tropical, 426
Landers' Voyage and Discoveries on the Niger, 149
Langreish, Sir Hercules and his friend, 63
Last of the Family, 156
Laurencekirk Snuff-boxes, 151
Lawrence, Mr. Justice, 277
Laws of the Navy, ancient, 134
Learned Ladies, 304
Lee, church at, described, 153
Leg, the worst, 368
Lestingham Church described, 297
Levee of the Sheik of Fellahi, 75
Life, progress of, 144
Libels on Poets, 290
Lifting heavy persons, 73
Lines to ——, 226
Lion-killer, 80
Lisbon described, 209
dandy, 69
dinner, 70
dockyard, 70
dogs, 70
vanity, 70
water-carrier, 70
Lock, miniature, 352
Locomotive Engines in America, 192
Lord Mayors of London, 176
Lords, house of, forms of, 325
Lord's Prayer in Arawaak, 320
Louis XIV., real character of, 84
Lucretia Davidson lines on, 148
Lucretius, extract from, 192
Ludlow Castle, stanzas on revisiting, 67
Lydford Bridge described, 289
Machinery and Manufactures, economy of, 27
Macklin's grand pause, 367
Madonna, Italian hymn to, 34
Magic in the East, true stories of, 26—76
Magic, natural, 72
Making and manufacturing, 55
Maltese Legend, 370
Malt Liquor, antiquity of, 227
Manchester, public buildings of, 177
Infirmary, 178
Royal Institution, 179
Town Hall, 178
Manners, family, history of, 130
Marriage, curious, 271
Marriage custom, 439
Marrying, excuses for not, 336
Mercers and Drapers, respectability of, 320
Merchants, opulent British, 319
Men of no business and paper cutting, 272
Michael Angelo, ecstasy of, 16
Mind on the Body, influence of the, 354
Mistletoe, origin of, 430
Mock-heroics, 304
Monasteries, error respecting, 265
Money, Anne's, 224
of Betrayal, or Price of Blood, 120
Charles, I. and II., 224
Cromwell, 224
Ecclesiastic, 223
Edward I. and IV., 223
Henry VII., 223
James II., 224
Milled, 224
Richard III., 223
Stephen, 223
Moody, the actor, avarice of, 367
Mortality, comparative, in England, 152
Mosaic Pavement described, 409
Muscular strength, extraordinary, 432
Mussulman and Hindoo religion, 80
My Fatherland, 38
Nankeen, varieties of, 416
Napoleon's Return from Elba, 165
National Gallery, the proposed, 64
Natural History, errors in, 38
Nature, luxuriance of, 175
Necklaces, satin-stone, 342
Nell Gwynne and Dr. Ken, 336
Newcastle, grammar-school, 193
Newcastle, the learned duchess of, 161
Newcastle-under-Lyne, election at, 288
New Year's Gifts, 439
Niagara, recent visit to, 446
Niger, discoveries on the, 149
Nightingales in Essex, 144
Norfolk, the late duke of, 86
Norton Lees, hall at, 273
Nugent, Lord and Lady, legends by, 350
Nutria Fur, account of, 279—314
O'Brien, the Irish Giant, 182
Oil in cookery, 352
Old Soldier, the, a sketch, 403
Olive Oil, 79—424
Omen, evil one, 261
Opera and Theatres in London, 365
Opal, beauty of, 77
Oporto described, 49
Oriental Smoking, 170
Ornithorhyncus Paradoxus, the, 189
Ostrich speed, and diet of, 262
stomach of the, 303
Otway's "Venice Preserved," 50
Owen's almshouses, 143
Paddy Fooshane's Fricassee, 108
Painters born at Antwerp, 380
Painter's last passion, 132
retort, 128
Panorama of Stirling, 410
Parliamentary debates, origin of, 128
forms, 326
Parliaments, early, 211—325
Party-spirit, Fuller on, 352
Past, the, a song, 46
Past Times, a song, 46
Pastor, a faithful one, 207
Patriotism, genuine, 438
Peak, Antiquities of, 113
Pearl in the Oyster, 230
Pekin, ancient trade of, 320
Pelican, error respecting, 96
Pennsylvania, settlement of, 208
Pepper, varieties of, 416
Perrier, Casimir, memoir of, 116
Persian Bath, 145
Fable, 228
Peru, discovery of, 432
Peter the Great, anecdotes of, 300—308
character of, 361
Peter Pence, origin of, 343
Peter Simple, life of, 121
Petition to Time, 11
Petit-or, value of, 425
Petrarch's Tomb, 169
Phillips, Col., recollections of, 402
Phrenology, curiosities of, 45
Physician's Fees, 261
Pic Nic at Tempe, 15
Pickpockets, qualifications of, 334
Piracy in olden times, 26
Pitch-in-the-hole, ancient, 320
Pitt, Mr., statue of, 40
Plaint of certain coral beads, 406
Plants, light and air on, 262
in rooms, 263
Poets, Major and Minor, 51
Pompadour, Madame de, her toilette, by Voltaire, 163
Pompeii, antiquities of, 412
Poor Laws, origin of, 327
Popes, List of, 416
Portdown Fair described, 121
Portugal, antiquity of, 48
manners and customs in, 69
Posts for Letters, origin of, 322
Post Office, revenue of, 440
Potato, economy of, 127
Poverty, Owen Feltham on, 414
Prayer, a fragment, 179
Precious Stones, varieties of, 77
Preservation of the Human Body, 133
Primrose, withered, lines on, 95
Printer, studious, 128
Printing, invention of, 143
from wooden blocks, 55
Prison Discipline in America, 286
Psalmody, origin of, 146
Public Credit explained, 142
Punctuality of Colonel Boswell, 448
Quadroon Girl, a song, 46
Quin and Macklin, 367
Quizzing, literary, 144
Railway, Liverpool and Manchester, 112
Raw Materials, 56
Recollections of a Wanderer 21—373
Records in the Tower of London, 279
Regent-street, charms of, 365
Regulating Power, 55
Relics of Popery, 344
Religious Fastings, 195
Resting-place, the, 354
Review, the first, 176
Rhyming Ruminations on London Bridge, 26
Rising, advantages of early, 16
Robespierre, anecdote of, 95
fall of, 106
Robin Hood, history of, 180—204
Rome, by T. Moore, 364
Romeo and Juliet, story of, 118
Romney, antiquity of, 294
Rose of the Castle, 133
of Edendale, by L.E.L., 335
lines to, 221
Rotuma, island of, described, 376
Roundelaye, ancient, 16
Royalty, freaks of, 207
Rubens, memoir of, 381