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قراءة كتاب The Conuercyon of swerers (The Conversion of Swearers)
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
class="trio" summary="lines of text">
Agayne My payne Reteyne |
(in mynde |
My swete bloode On the roode Dyde the good |
(my broder |
My face ryght red Myn armes spred My woundes bled |
(thynke none oder |
Beholde thou my syde Wounded so ryght wyde Bledynge sore that tyde |
(all for thyn owne sake |
Thus for the I smerted Why arte þou harde herted Be by me conuerted |
(& thy swerynge aslake |
Tere me nowe no more My woundes are sore Leue swerynge therfore |
(and come to my grace |
I am redy To graunte mercy To the truely |
(for thy trespace |
Come nowe nere My frende dere And appere |
(before me |
I so In wo Dyde go |
(se se |
I Crye |
(the |
Vnto me dere broder my loue and my herte
Turmente me no more with thyn othes grete
Come vnto my Ioye and agayne reuerte
From the deuylles snare and his sutyl net
Beware of the worlde all aboute the set
Thy flesshe is redy by concupyscence
To burne thy herte with cursed vyolence
Thoughe these thre enmyes do sore the assayle
Vpon euery syde with daungerous iniquite
But yf thou lyst / they may nothynge preuayle
Nor yet subdue the with all theyr extremyte
To do good or yll / all is at thy lyberte
I do graunte the grace thyn enemyes to subdue
Swete broder accepte it theyr power to extue
And ye kynges and prynces of hye noblenes
With dukes and lordes of euery dygnyte
Indued with manhode wysdome and ryches
Ouer the comons hauynge the soueraynte
Correcte them whiche so do tere me
By cruell othes without repentaunce
Amende be tyme lest I take vengeaunce
Exodi vicesimo / non accipies nomen dei tui in vãnum
Vnto the man I gaue commaundement
Not to take the name of thy god vaynfully
As not to swere but at tyme conuenyent
Before a Iuge to bere recorde truely
Namynge my name with reuerence mekely
Vnto the Iuge than there in presence
By my name to gyue to the good credence
A my brederne yf that I be wrothe
It is for cause ye falsly by me swere
Ye knowe yourselfe that I am very trothe
Þet wrongfully ye do me rente and tere
ye neyther loue me nor my Iustyce fere
And yf ye dyde ye wolde full gentylly
Obeye my byddynge well and perfytely