قراءة كتاب The prophete Ionas with an introduccion before teachinge to vnderstonde him and the right vse also of all the scripture/ and why it was written/ and what is therin to be sought/ and shewenge wherewith the scripture is locked vpp that he which readeth it/
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

The prophete Ionas with an introduccion before teachinge to vnderstonde him and the right vse also of all the scripture/ and why it was written/ and what is therin to be sought/ and shewenge wherewith the scripture is locked vpp that he which readeth it/
takīge / peter axed whether it were lawfull to smyte with ye swerde / ād taried none answere / but layed on rashly. So that though when we come first vn to ye knowlege of the trueth / and the peace is made betwene God & vs / & we loue his lawes & beleue & trust in hym / as in oure father & haue good hertes vn to him & be born anew in ye sprite: yet we are but childern ād younge scolars weake & foble & must have leysar to grow in ye spirite / in knowlege / loue & in ye dedes therof / as younge childern must have tyme to grow in their bodies.
¶ And God oure father & scolemaster fedeth vs & teached vs accordinge vn to the capacite of oure stomakes / & maketh vs to grow & waxe perfecte / & fineth vs & trieth vs as gold / in ye fire of temptaciōs & tribulations. As Moses wittneseth Deutero. viij. sayēge: Remēber all ye waye by which ye lord thy God caried ye this .xl. yeres in ye wildernesse / to vmble the & to tēpte or proue the / yt it might be knowen what were in thine hert. He brougt the in to aduersite & made ye an hongred / & then feed ye with mā which nether thou ner yet thi fathers euer knew of / to teach ye that a mā liueth not by bred only / but by all that proceadeth out of the mouth of God. For ye promises of god are life vn to all yt cleaue vn to thē / moch moare thē is bred & bodyly sustinaunce: as ye iourney of ye childern of Israel out of egypte in to ye londe promised them / ministreth the notable ensamples & yt aboundātly / as doeth all ye rest of the bible also. How be it / it is impossible for flesh to beleue & to trust in ye trueth of gods promises / vntyll he haue lerned it in moch tribulacion / after that God hath deliuered hī out therof agayne.
¶ God therfore to teach Ionas & to shew him his awne hert & to make him perfecte & to enstructe vs also bi his ensample / sent him out of ye lande of Israel where he was a prophete / to goo amonge ye heathē people & to ye greatest & mightiest citie of ye world thē / called Niniue: to preache yt within .xl. dayes they shuld all perish for their sinnes & that ye citie shuld be ouerthrowē. Which message ye frewil of Ionas had as moch power to doo / as the weakest herted womā in the world hath power / if she were cōmaunded / to leppe in to a tobbe of lyuinge snakes & edders: as happely if God had cōmaunded Sara to haue sacrificed hir sonne Isaac / as he did Abrahā / she wold haue disputed with hī yer she had done it / or though she were strōge ynough / yet many an holy seint coud not haue found in their hertes / but wold haue disobeyed ād haue runne awaye frō ye presens of ye cōmaūdemēt of god wt Ionas if thei had bene so strōgly tēpted.
¶ For Ionas thought of this maner: loo / I am here a prophete vn to Gods people the Israelites. Which though they haue gods word testified vn to them dayly / yet dispice it & worshepe God vnder ye likenesse of calues & after all maner facions saue after his awne worde / & therfore are of all naciōs ye worst & most worthy of punishment. And yet god for loue of few yt are amonge them & for his names sake spareth them & defendeth them. How thē shuld god take so cruell vengeaunce on so greate a multitude of them to whome his name was neuer preached to ād therfore are not ye tenth parte so euel as these? If I shal therfore goo preach so shall I lye & shame my selfe & God therto and make them the moare to dispice god and sett the lesse by him ād to be the moare cruell vn to his people.
¶ And vppon that imaginaciō he fled frō the face or presens of God: that is / out of ye contre where God was worsheped in & frō prosecutynge of Gods cōmaundemēt / and thought / I wyll gett me a nother waye amonge ye hethen people & be no moare a prophete / but lyue at rest & out of all cōbraunce. Neuer ye lesse the god of all mercie which careth for his electe childern & turneth all vn to good to them & smiteth thē to heale them agayne & killeth thē to make thē aliue agayne / & playeth with thē (as a father doth some tyme with his yoūge ignoraunt childern) & tempteth them & proueth them to make them se theyr awne hertes / prouided for Ionas / how all thinge shuld be.
¶ When Ionas was entered in to the sheppe / he layed him downe to slepe ād to take his rest: that is / his cōscience was tossed betwene the cōmaudemēt of God which sent him to Niniue / & his fleshly wisdome that dissuaded & counseled hym ye cōtrary & at ye last preualed agēst ye cōmaundemēt & caried hym a nother waye / as a sheppe caught betwene .ii. streames / & as poetes faine the mother of Meliager to be betwene diuers affectiōs / while to aduēge hir brothers deeth / she sought to sle hir awne sonne. Where vppon for very payne & tediousnesse / he laye downe to slepe / for to put ye cōmaundement which so gnew & freate his cōscience / out of minde / as ye nature of all weked is / whē they haue sinned a good / to seke al meanes with riot / reuell & pastyme / to driue ye remenbraunce of synne out of their thoughtes or as Adā did / to couer their nakednesse with aporns of pope holy workes. But God awoke hym out of his dreame / and sett his synnes before his face.
¶ For when ye Lott had caught Ionas / thē be sure yt his synnes came to remēbraunce agayne & that his conscience raged no lesse thē ye waues of the se. And thē he thought that he only was a sinner & ye hethen that ware in ye shepp none in respecte of him / ad thought also / as veryly as he was fled frō god / that as verily god had cast hī awaye: for ye sight of ye rod maketh ye natural child not ōly to se & to knowlege his faulte / but also to forgett all his fathers olde mercie & kindnesse. And then he cōfessed his synne openly & had yet leuer perish alone thē yt ye other shuld haue perished with him for his sake: and so of very desperacion to haue liued any lenger / bad cast him in to ye see betymes / excepte they wold be lost also.
¶ To speake of lottes / how ferforth they are