قراءة كتاب Romano Lavo-Lil: Word Book of the Romany; Or, English Gypsy Language With Specimens of Gypsy Poetry, and an Account of Certain Gypsyries or Places Inhabited by Them, and of Various Things Relating to Gypsy Life in England
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
Romano Lavo-Lil: Word Book of the Romany; Or, English Gypsy Language With Specimens of Gypsy Poetry, and an Account of Certain Gypsyries or Places Inhabited by Them, and of Various Things Relating to Gypsy Life in England
Fern. Hun. Füz (willow), fácska (a shrub), füszár (a stem).
GAD, s. A shirt: pauno gad, a clean shirt.
Gare, v. n., v. a. To take care, beware; to hide, conceal. Sans. Ghar, to cover.
Garridan. You hid: luvvu sor garridan, the money which you hid.
Garrivava, v. a. I hide or shall hide, take care: to gare his nangipen, to hide his nakedness.
Gav, s. A town, village. Pers. [Persian: ]
Gav-engro, s. A constable, village officer, beadle, citizen.
Gillie, s. A song. Sans. Khëli.
Gillies. Songs. Sometimes used to denote newspapers; because these last serve, as songs did in the old time, to give the world information of remarkable events, such as battles, murders, and robberies.
Gilyava. I sing, or shall sing. Hin. Guywuya. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].
Gin, v. a. To count, reckon. Sans. Gan. Hin. Ginna.
Ginnipen, s. A reckoning.
Giv, s. Wheat. Sans. Yava (barley). See Jobis.
Giv-engro, s. Wheat-fellow, figurative name for farmer.
Giv-engro ker, s. Farmhouse.
Giv-engro puv, s. Farm.
Godli, s. A warrant, perhaps hue and cry. See Gudlie. Span. Gyp. Gola (order).
Gono, s. A sack. Hin. Gon.
Gorgio, s. A Gentile, a person who is not a Gypsy; one who lives in a house and not in a tent. It is a modification of the Persian word [Persian: ] Cojia, which signifies a gentleman, a doctor, a merchant, etc. Span. Gyp. Gacho.
Gorgiken rat. Of Gentile blood.
Gorgie, s. A female Gentile or Englishwoman.
Gorgikonaes, ad. After the manner of the Gentiles.
Gooee, s. Pudding. See Guyi.
Gran, s. A barn: I sov'd yeck rarde drey a gran, I slept one night within a barn (Gypsy song).
Gran-wuddur, s. A barn door.
Gran-wuddur-chiriclo. Barn-door fowl.
Grasni / Grasnakkur,s. Mare, outrageous woman: what a grasni shan tu, what a mare you are! Grasnakkur is sometimes applied to the mayor of a town.
Grestur / Gristur, s. A horse. Span. Gyp. Gras, graste.
Gry, s. A horse. Sans. Kharu. Hin. Ghora. Irish and Scottish Gaelic, Greadh.
Gry-choring, s. Horse-stealing.
Gry-engro, s. Horse-dealer.
Gry-nashing. Horse-racing.
Gudlee / Godli, s. Cry, noise, shout. Hin. Ghooloo. Irish, Gúl. Rus. Gyl=gool (shout); Gólos (voice).
Grommena / Grovena / Grubbena, s. andv. Thunder, to thunder. Sans. Garjana. Rus. Groin (thunder). Heb. Ream, raemah. Gaelic, Gairm (a cry).
Gudlo, a., s. Sweet; honey, sugar.
Gudlo-pishen, s. Honey-insect, bee. See Bata.
Gué. An affix, by which the dative case is formed: e.g. Man, I; mangué, to me.
Guero, s. A person, fellow, that which governs, operates. Sans. Kãra (a maker). Pers. [Persian: ] Welsh, Gwr (a man). In the Spanish cant language, Guro signifies an alguazil, a kind of civil officer. See Engro.
Gueri, s.f. Female person, virgin: Mideveleskey gueri Mary, Holy Virgin Mary.
Gush / Gurush / Gurushi, a. Groat: gurushengri, a groat's worth.
Guveni, s. Cow. Sans. Go.
Guveni-bugnior, s. Cow-pox.
Guveno, s. A bull. Sans. Gavaya. Gaelic, Gavuin, gowain (year-old calf).
Guyi, s. Pudding, black pudding. Hin. Gulgul. Span. Gyp. Golli.
Guyi-mengreskie tan, s. Yorkshire. Lit. pudding-eaters' country; in allusion to the puddings for which Yorkshire is celebrated.
Ha / Haw, v. a. To eat.
Habben, s. Food, victuals.
Hal, v. a. To eat: mande can't hal lis, I can't eat it. Sans. Gala.
Hanlo, s. A landlord, innkeeper. Span. Gyp. Anglanó.
Hatch, v. a. To burn, light a fire.
Hatchipen, s. A burning.
Hatch, v. n. To stay, stop. See Adje, atch, az.
Hatchi-witchu, s. A hedgehog. This is a compound word from the Wal. Aritche, a hedgehog, and the Persian Besha, a wood, and signifies properly the prickly thing of the wood. In Spanish Gypsy, one of the words for a pig or hog is Eriche, evidently the Wallachian Aritche, a hedgehog.
Hekta, s. Haste: kair hekta, make haste; likewise a leap. See Hokta. Sans. Hat'ha (to leap).
Heres / Heris, s. pl. Legs. Span. Gyp. Jerias. Coshtni herri (a wooden leg).
Hetavava, v. a. To slay, beat, hit, carry off, plunder: if I can lel bonnek of tute hetavava tute, if I can lay hold of you I will slay you. Heb. Khataf (rapuit). Sans. Hat'ha (to ill-use, rapere).
Hev, s. Hole: pawnugo hev, a water hole, a well; hev, a window; hevior, windows. Sans. Avata.
Heviskey, a. Full of holes: heviskey tan, a place full of holes.
Hin, s. Dirt, ordure. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] Wal. Gounoiou. Irish, Gaineamh(sand).
Hin, v. a. To void ordure. Sans. Hanna. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]
Hindity-mengré / Hindity-mescré, s. pl. Irish. Dirty, sordid fellows.
Hoffeno, s. A liar.
Hok-hornie-mush, s. A policeman. Partly a cant word.
Hokka, v. n. To lie, tell a falsehood: hokka tute mande, if you tell me a falsehood.
Hokkano, s. A lie. Sans. Kuhanã (hypocrisy).
Hokta, v. a. To leap, jump. See Hekta.
Hokta-mengro, s. Leaper, jumper.
Hoofa, s. A cap.
Hor / Horo, s. A penny. Span. Gyp. Corio an ochavo (or farthing).
Horry, s. pl. Pence: shohorry, showhawry, sixpence.
Horsworth, s. Pennyworth.
Horkipen, s. Copper. Hun. Gyp. Harko.
Huffeno, s. A liar. See Hoffeno.
Hukni, s. Ringing the changes, the fraudulent changing of one thing for another.
I, pro. She, it.
I. A feminine and neuter termination: e.g. Yag engri, a fire-thing or gun; coin si, who is she? so si, what is it?
Inna / Inner, prep. In, within: inner Lundra, in London. Span. Gyp. Enré.
Iouzia, s. A flower.
Is, conj. If; it is affixed to the verb - e.g. Dikiomis, if I had seen.
Iv, s. Snow. Hun. Gyp. Yiv. Span. Gyp. Give.
Iv-engri / Ivi-mengri, s. Snow-thing, snowball.
Iuziou, a. Clean. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (sound, healthy). See Roujio.
JAL. To go, walk, journey. This verb is allied to various words in different languages signifying movement, course or journey: - to the Sanscrit Il, ila, to go; to the Russian Gulliat, to stroll, to walk about; to the Turkish Iel, a journey; to the Jol of the Norse, and the Yule of the Anglo-Saxons,