قراءة كتاب Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 1, No. 6 June, 1897

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‏اللغة: English
Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 1, No. 6
June, 1897

Birds, Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol. 1, No. 6 June, 1897

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

They search the crevices in the bark of the tree trunks and branches, look among the undergrowth, and hunt along the fences for bunches of eggs, the buried larvae of the insects, which when undisturbed, hatch out millions of creeping, crawling, and flying things that devastate garden and orchard and every crop of the field.


imageblack and white creeping warbler.
From col. Chi. Acad. Sciences. Chicago Colortype Co.




Birds, The Return of the pages 101
Bird Song 187-8
Bird Day in the Schools 129-138
Birds and Farmers 213
Black Bird, Red-winged, Agelaeus Phœniceus 64-68-70-71
Blue Bird, Sialia Sialis 75-76-78
Bobolink, Dolichonyx Gryzivorus 92-3-4
Bunting, Indigo, Passerina Cyanea 172-3
Catbird, Galeoscoptes Carolinensis 183-4-6
Chickadee, Black-capped, Parus Atricopillus 164-5-7
Cock of the Rock 19-21
Crossbill, American, Loxia Curvirostra 126-7
Crow, American, Corvus Americanus 97-8-100
Duck, Mandarin, A. Galericulata 8-9-11
Flicker, Colaptes Auratus 89-90
Fly-catcher, Scissor-tailed, Milvulus Forficatus 161-3
Gallinule, Purple, Ionoruis Martinica 120-1
Grebe, Pied-billed, Podilymbus Podiceps 134-5-7
Grosbeak, Rose-breasted, Habia Ludoviciana 113-115
Grouse, Ruffed, Bonasa Umbellus 218-220-221
Gull, Ring-billed, Larus Delawarensis 198-199
Halo, The 150
Hawk, Marsh, Circus Hudsonius 158-159
Hawk, Night, Chordeiles Virginianus 175-6-8
Heron, Black-crowned, Nycticorax Nycticorax Naevius 196-7
Jay, American Blue, Cyanocitta Cristata 39-41
Jay, Arizona Green, Xanthoura Luxuosa 146-148
Jay, Canada, Perisoreus Canadensis 116-17-19
Kingfisher, American, Ceryle Alcyon 60-61-63
Lark, Meadow, Sturnella Magna 105-7-8
Longspur, Smith’s, Calcarius PictusLongspur, Smith’s, Calcarius Pictus 123-5
Lory, Blue Mountain 66-67
Mocking Bird, American, Mimus Polyglottos 192-193-201
Mot Mot, Mexican 49-57
Nesting Time 149-150
Nonpareil, Passerina Ciris 1-3-15
Oriole, Baltimore, Icterus Galbula 205-6-7
Oriole, Golden, Icterus Icterus 34-36
Oriole, Orchard, Icterus Spurius 154-5
Owl, Long-eared, Asio Wilsonianus 109-111-112
Owl, Screech, Megascops Asio 151-3-7
Owl, Snowy, Nyctea Nivea 209-210-211
Paradise, Red Bird of, Paradisea Rubra 22-23-25
Parrakeet, Australian 16-18
Parrot, King 50-51
Pheasant, Golden, P. Pictus 12-13
Pheasant, Japan 86-88
Red Bird, American, Cardinalis Cardinalis 72-74
Robin, American, Merula Migratoria 53-4-5-9
Roller, Swallow-tailed, Indian 42-43
Shrike, Loggerhead, Lanius Ludovicianus 202-203
Swallow, Barn, Chelidon Erythrogaster 79-80
Tanager, Red-rumped, Tanagridæ 30-31-33
Tanager, Scarlet, Piranga Erythromelas 214-216-217
Tern, Black, Hydrochelidon Ingra Surinamensis 103-104
Thrush, Brown, Harporhynchus Rufus 82-83-84
Thrush, Wood, Turdus Mustelinus 179-180-183
Toucan, Yellow-throated, Ramphastos
