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قراءة كتاب A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein together with the present government thereof

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‏اللغة: English
A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein
together with the present government thereof

A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein together with the present government thereof

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

Sturgeon it would prove a very great advantage, the Country affording Vinager, and all other Materialls to do it withall.

In this Towne and old Newbury adjoining are 2 Meeting Houses.

Rowley.—Three Miles beyound this Old Newbury is a large and populous Towne called Rowley about two miles from the Bay of Agowame within land the Inhabitants are most Yorkshiremen very laborious people and drive a pretty trade, makeing Cloath and Ruggs of Cotton Wool, and also Sheeps wooll with which in few yeares the Countrey will abound not only to supply themselves but also to send abroad. This Towne aboundeth with Corne, and Cattle, and have a great number of Sheep.

Ipswich.—Three Miles beyond Rowley lyeth Ipswich at the head of Agawame River, as farr up as Vessells cane come. It hath many Inhabitants, and there farmes lye farr abroad, some of them severall miles from the Towne. So also they do about other Townes.

Wenham.—Six Miles from this Towne lyeth a Towne called Wenham seated about a great Lake or Pond which abounds with all manner of ffresh ffish, and such com¯odities as other places have it affordeth.

Gloucester.—Between these two Townes there runes out into the Sea that noated head land called Cape Ann fower miles within the outermost head. There is a Passage cutt through a Marsh between Cape Ann Harbor & Manisqwanne Harbour where stands the Towne called Glocester very com¯odious for building of shipping and ffishing.

Manchester.—Fower miles Westward from Glocester, lyeth on the Sea side a small Towne called Manchester, there is a Sawmill and aboundance of Timber.

Mackrell & Basse Cove.—About six miles from this Towne lyeth by the Sea side a Village Called Mackarell Coue, and a mile or 2 aboue on a Branch of Salem River lyeth another Village called Basse Coue, These two have Joyned and built a Church, which stands between them both ower agst Salem.

Salem.—On the South side of Salem River stands on a peninsula the Towne of Salem, setled some yeares by a few people befor the Patent of the Massachusits was granted. It is very commodious for fishing, and many Vessells have been built there and (except Boston) it hath as much Trade as any place in New England both inland and abroad.

Marblehead or Foy.—Two miles below this Towne on the Southside of the Harbor by the sea side lyeth Marblehead or ffoy the greatest Towne for ffishing in New England.

Lynne.—Five miles Westward lyeth the Towne of Lynne along by the sea side, and two miles aboue it within the bounds of it are the greatest Iron works erected for the most part at the charge of some Merchants, and Gentlmen here resideing and cost them about 14000£, who were as it is conceived about six yeares since Injuriously outted of them to the great prejudice of the Country and Owners.

Reading.—Three miles above the Iron Worke in the Country is a pretty Towne, called Reading, which as all inland Townes doe live by Husbandry. The people have imployment also at the Iron work in digging of myne, and cutting of wood.

Rumney Marsh.—Two miles from the Ironwork by the Seaside is a large Marsh called Rummney Marsh and between that and Winnisime being about 2 miles. There are many good farmes belonging to Bostone, which have a Metting House, as it were a Chapel of Ease.

Winnisime.—Two miles Sowth from Rumney Marsh on the North side of Mistick River is Winnisime which though but a few houses on it, yet deserves to be menc˜ond One house yet standing there which is the Antientest house in the Massachusetts Goverment, a house which in the yeare 1625 I fortified with a Pillizado and fflankers and gunnes both belowe and above in them which awed the Indians who at that time had a mind to Cutt off the English, They once faced it but receiveing a repulse never attempted it more although (as now they confesse) they repented it when about 2 yeares after they saw so many English come over.

Mauldon.—Two miles above Winnisime Westward stands a small Country Towne called Mauldon, who imploy themselves much in ffurnishing the Towne of Boston and Charles Towne with wood, Timber and other Materials to build withall.

Wooburne.—Fower or five miles above Mouldon West is a more considerable Towne called Wooburne, they live by ffurnishing the Sea Townes with Provisions as Corne and Flesh, and also they ffurnish the Merchants with such goods to be exported.

Charles Towne.—One mile from Winnisime crossing Mistick River is the Towne of Charles Towne standing on the Northside of the Mouth of Charles River, It Challengeth the second place of Antiquitie in the Massachusetts Government. It hath some considerable Merchants in it and many usefull handicraftsmen and many good farmers belonging to it.

Cambridge.—Three miles aboue this stands on the same River the Towne of Cambridge in which there is a Colledge a Master and some Number of Students belonging to it; out of which there have come many into England, The Towne hath many great ffarmes belonging to it.

Water Towne.—Joyning to this is Watter Towne, a great Towne reaching by ye River Side two miles, and hath belonging to it very many and great ffarmes, about the uper end of this Towne are the ffalls of Charles River.

Concord.—Above Twelve miles above Watter Towne is an In-land Towne called Concord It lyeth on the River Meromack I conceive about 20 miles above the first ffalls but good passing on it there in small Boats from place to place. They subsist in Husbandry and breeding of Catle.

Sudbury.—About 4 or 5 Miles more Southerly on the same River is a Towne called Sudbury a very pleasant place, the River runing to & againe in it, In which I have seen Excellent ffishing both with hooks & Lynes and Netts, They plant and breed Catle, and gett something by Tradeing wt the Indians.

Nashoway.—About ten or twelfe miles aboue these Two Townes is a Countrey Towne called Nashoway first begun for Love of the Indians Trade, but since the ffertility of ye Soyle and pleasantness of the River hath invited many more. There is Excellent Salmon and Trout.

Now we must returne to the mouth of Charles River againe or rather the entrance of the Bay of Massachusits, It hath three entrances, two of them difficult and dangerous without a good wind and Pylot. The Southermost called Nasascot in the usuall Channell; win this Bay are 12 or 13 pretty Islands between some of which yow must saile about 2 leagues before yow come up to Boston Rode yow must passe within halfe a Cable lenth of Castle Island, on which is a ffort above and a strong Battery below, closs by Highwater marke, on this Island I conceive there be thirtie good Gunns.

Boston.—Two miles aboue this Island is the Towne of Boston, the Metrapolis of New England lying pleasantly on a plaine and the ascending of a High Mount which lyes about the midle of ye plaine, The wholl Towne is an Island except two Hundred paces of land at one place on the Southside it is large and very populous. It hath two handsome Churches in it, a handsome market place, and in the midest of it a Statehouse. In the Towne are fouer full companys of ffoote and a Troope of horse On the Southeast side of the Towne on a little Hill there is a Fort, and under it a Batterie both having a dozen of Gunns or more in them, and on the Northeast side of the Towne there is a Battery of 6 Gunns commanding the Rode and the
