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قراءة كتاب Vertebrates from the Barrier Island of Tamaulipas, México
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north of Morón) on April 27 to 29, 1949, and mentioned an immature male taken at Tampico on April 23, 1923; this specimen has been identified by P. Brodkorb as F. m. rothschildi.
Ardea herodias Linnaeus: Great Blue Heron.—Our records of this heron are limited to the following observations: four individuals on the beach and seven in the laguna at Camp 1, July 7; one on the beach 52 miles south of Washington Beach, July 8; one 74 miles south of Washington Beach, July 8; two at Third Pass, July 8; 41 standing on mud-flats at the edge of the laguna near Camp 2, July 9; nine on the beach 56 to 73 miles south of Washington Beach, July 10; one on the beach 42 miles south of Washington Beach, July 10.
The status of the Great Blue Heron in coastal Tamaulipas remains to be determined. The subspecies A. h. wardi (considered a synonym of A. h. occidentalis by Hellmayr and Conover, 1948) is resident and breeds on the Gulf coast of Texas and is to be expected as a resident in Tamaulipas (Mexican Check-list, 1950:27). The species may breed south to Veracruz, where Loetscher (1955:22) reports it is "regular at nearly all seasons, chiefly on the coastal plain"; he records an observation near Tamós on July 1. The subspecies A. h. herodias and A. h. treganzai winter through much of México and have been recorded in Tamaulipas (Mexican Check-list, 1950:27).
Florida caerulea (Linnaeus): Little Blue Heron.—We saw a white (immature) individual feeding with Reddish Egrets along an inlet at Camp 2 on July 8.
Dichromanassa rufescens rufescens (Gmelin): Reddish Egret.—This egret was recorded only about the inlet at Camp 2, where 15 individuals were feeding, either singly or in small groups, on July 8 and 9. We noted frequent use of the "Open Wing" method of foraging, as described by Meyerriecks (1960:108).
Specimen: ♀ juv., 38899, ovary inactive, 587 gm., Camp 2, July 8. This specimen is referable to the nominate subspecies, which is resident along the Gulf coast. Our record seems to be the first for the species in Tamaulipas.
Leucophoyx thula (Molina): Snowy Egret.—Ten individuals of this species were feeding in association with Reddish Egrets in the inlet at Camp 2 on July 9.
Hydranassa tricolor (P. L. S. Müller): Tricolored Heron.—An observation of one individual flying along the margin of the laguna near Camp 2 is our only record of this species.
Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus): Black-crowned Night Heron.—This heron was found only at the edge of the laguna near Camp 2; ten individuals were noted on July 8, and 20 were seen perched in a clump of mesquite trees on July 9. Perhaps half the birds seen were in juvenal plumage. A juvenile was shot and examined on July 9 but was not preserved as a specimen.
There appears to be no definite evidence of breeding by this species in Tamaulipas (Mexican Check-list, 1950:32), but such may be expected because the species breeds locally in Texas (Peterson, 1960:19) and in Veracruz.
Ajaia ajaja (Linnaeus): Roseate Spoonbill.—On July 9 at Camp 2, 38 spoonbills flew up from the edge of the laguna where they had been resting near a large flock of white pelicans.
Cathartes aura (Linnaeus): Turkey Vulture.—One Turkey Vulture was seen flying east at a point 2 miles west of Washington Beach on July 10. It is noteworthy that we saw no Yellow-headed Vultures (C. burrovianus), a species recently recorded in the region of Tampico north to Lomas del Real (Graber and Graber, 1954a).
Colinus virginianus texanus (Lawrence): Bob-white.—This species was seen only in or near clumps of mesquite near Camp 1, where three covies (7, 13, and 18 individuals) were flushed on July 7. Specimen: ♂ juv., 38900, testis 3 mm., 100 gm., 6 P old, Camp 1, July 7.
Porzana carolina (Linnaeus): Sora Rail.—On sand flats at Camp 1 we found a left humerus and several other post-cranial skeletal elements that have been identified by Dr. Pierce Brodkorb as belonging to this species. All the bones are of Recent age. We have no other record of the Sora Rail on the barrier island, but in all probability it occurs as a migrant and winter visitant along margins of the laguna.
Haematopus ostralegus Linnaeus: Oyster-catcher.—One individual was seen at Camp 2 on July 8, three were noted at the same locality on July 9, and one was present on the beach 72 miles south of Washington Beach on July 10. The only previous records of this species in Tamaulipas are a specimen (♂, 29348) taken by E. R. Hall 10 miles west and 88 miles south of Matamoros on March 20, 1950 (herewith reported for the first time), and three seen on the beach near Tepehuaje on May 9, 1949 (Robins, Martin, and Heed, 1951).
Squatarola squatarola (Linnaeus): Black-bellied Plover.—Plovers of this species were uncommon but regular on the beach; frequently two individuals were seen together, sometimes in association with one or more Willets. Specimens (4): ♂, 38915, testis 4 mm., 231 gm.; ♂, 38914, testis 4 mm., 221 gm.; ♂, 38916, testis 3 mm., 209 gm., Camp 1, July 7. Male, 38917, testis 4 mm., 186 gm., Camp 2, July 9. The specimens were molting (3-4 P old) into winter plumage and showed little or no subcutaneous fat.
Our specimens and records probably pertain to nonbreeding individuals summering on the coast, as the species is known to do in Texas (Hagar and Packard, 1952:9) and elsewhere in its range (Eisenmann, 1951:182; Haverschmidt, 1955:336; A.O.U. Check-list, 1957:174). In any event, our dates (July 6 to 10) are unusually early for autumnal migrants; they do not reach Texas until August (Peterson, 1960:94), and Loetscher (1955:26) gives August 7 as the earliest date for southbound migrants in Veracruz.
Charadrius hiaticula semipalmatus Bonaparte: Ringed Plover.—We have a single record, an adult male (38913, testis 2 × 1 mm., heavy fat, 47.0 gm., 4 P old) taken on a sandbar at Camp 2 on July 9. The bird was feeding in company with a flock of Sanderlings.
There is no previous record of the Ringed Plover in Tamaulipas. In Texas, Hagar and Packard (1952:8) indicate that the first autumnal migrants reach the central Gulf coast in the last week of July. In coastal México, the species has previously been recorded from August 23 to May 12 (Mexican Check-list, 1950:91). Therefore, the present record must represent an exceptionally early southbound migrant, or, more probably, a nonbreeding, summering individual. According to the A.O.U. Check-list (1957:166), nonbreeding birds are found in summer in coastal areas south to California, Panamá, and Florida. Many individuals spend the northern summer along the coast of Surinam (Haverschmidt, 1955:336).
Charadrius wilsonia wilsonia Ord: Wilson Plover.—This small plover breeds commonly on the beach and on alkaline flats adjacent to the laguna. Previous evidence of breeding in Tamaulipas consisted only of a report of a male with brood patches and an enlarged testis taken near Tamós on May 30, 1947 (Loetscher, 1955:26).
We saw many pairs of adults and a large number of well-grown juveniles, and, at a point 4 miles south of Washington Beach, we collected a brood of three small juveniles that had only recently hatched. The breeding season apparently was drawing to a close, for several adults in our collection were in postnuptial molt and showed marked gonadal regression. From July 6 to 9, a few small groups of birds were noted, but large groups were not seen until July 10, when several flocks of up to 60 individuals were found along the coast 3 to 7 miles south of Washington Beach.
Specimens (12): ♂,