قراءة كتاب Spiders

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‏اللغة: English


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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

triangle if large enough—in a more or less vertical plane will suffice, and under some circumstances the [Pg 15]
[Pg 16]
operation is simple enough. The spider attaches a line at the point of departure and crawls along, spinning as it goes and holding up the newly-spun thread by the claws of one of its hind feet, till it reaches a suitable spot for its farthest limit. It then hauls in the slack and makes it fast. It will probably return along the line thus laid down—still spinning—to the starting point, thus doubling the strength of the cable, and indeed a large spider will often repeat this operation several times. Now the upper boundary of the future web is secured. It is next necessary to find points of attachment for the lower boundary, and the spider either drops or climbs down—always carrying a line—from one of the ends of the upper line till it reaches a spot suitable for its purpose, and the previous performance is repeated. If there is any difficulty about a fourth attachment it is always open to the spider to climb back along the two lines already laid down, and by carrying a loose line with it, to secure at all events a triangular frame-work. This frame-work, whether trapezoid or triangular, will be reinforced several times and made thoroughly trustworthy before the work of making the actual snare is proceeded with.

Now the foregoing operation is obviously perfectly simple in certain cases, as, for instance when a spider has chosen lattice work, or the mouth of an empty barrel as its “pitch,” but snares may easily be found in situations where such a mode of procedure seems impossible. In a pine forest, for example, one may see huge webs stretched at a great height from the ground between boles ten feet apart; or one may find such a snare spread across a stream at a spot where the trees on either side do not intermingle their boughs. How in such cases does the spider accomplish its purpose?

There is little doubt that, wherever practicable, the spider walks round, sometimes crawling quite an astounding distance, but that it can at need, resort to another method, is easily proved by a very simple experiment in the house. Fill any vessel—a basin or a bath—with water and arrange an upright post in the middle, placing a spider upon it. If the air in the room is absolutely still the captive is powerless to escape, but if draughts are present it will sooner or later disappear; and it accomplishes this feat by emitting a thread which, caught by the air-current, is drawn out from its spinnerets till it by and by becomes entangled in the surrounding furniture. This power of emitting silk to some little distance and allowing the wind to draw it out is, as we shall see, frequently exercised in the early life of many spiders.

The foundation lines which may thus have given the spider great trouble to secure, are of extreme importance to it, and may serve for several snares in succession. There is little hesitation or delay about the subsequent operations. The spokes of the wheel are readily formed by carrying lines across to opposite points of the frame-work and uniting them where they intersect. They are laid down in no special order, but more or less alternation is generally noticeable—apparently for the purpose of keeping the tension equally balanced—and the spider will occasionally desist in order to go and brace up the frame-work with additional stays, which generally have the effect of converting it to a polygon.

Before long the requisite number of fairly equidistant “spokes” or radii are visible, and then the spider, starting from the centre, rapidly spins a spiral thread consisting of a few coils only, to the circumference, stepping from spoke to spoke. This is only a temporary scaffolding and will not be suffered to remain in the completed snare. If the structure is touched at this stage of the operations it does not adhere to the finger; the viscid spiral remains to be laid down. Though it does not hesitate for a moment, the spider now works with a peculiar deliberation, but the operation will be much better understood by actual observation than by any amount of description, and we shall only recommend the reader to note that the new spiral is exceedingly elastic and that at the moment of its attachment to a spoke it is stretched and let go like the string of a bow. The spider seems carefully to avoid treading on it as it proceeds, utilising the non-viscid spiral scaffolding already described.

Fig. 3. Stretching the viscid spiral.

Fig. 3. Stretching the viscid spiral.

A little attention to the centre of the wheel, and the snare is complete. Some species of Epeira entirely remove the centre, leaving a circular empty space, while others fill it with an irregular network of threads.

How does the garden spider avoid getting caught in its own web? We have shown that there are many lines which are not viscid, and no doubt these are utilised as far as possible, but it can hardly happen that the spider never touches adhesive portions of the web with legs or body.

Possibly some explanation is furnished by an ingenious experiment which Fabre performed. He found that a glass rod, lightly smeared with oil, did not adhere to the viscid spiral; neither did a leg freshly taken from a garden-spider unless allowed to remain in contact for a considerable time. When, however, this leg had been washed with bisulphide of carbon, which dissolves any kind of oily substance, it adhered at once. It would seem likely, therefore, that the legs and body of the spider itself are protected by some oily exudation from any danger of adherence to its own lines.



Before leaving the garden-spider let us undertake some little investigation of its mental powers—if it possesses any. The commonest mistake with regard to all animals is to interpret their actions from the human standpoint, and to credit them with emotions and with deliberate forethought of which there is in reality no proof whatever. The power to spin such a complicated snare as we have just described predisposes us to attribute a high order of intelligence to a creature capable of such an achievement, and when it “shams death” on being disturbed we immediately pronounce it “cunning.” The wildest conclusions are sometimes arrived at. One author, for instance, states that he has seen an Attid spider “instructing its young ones how to hunt” and adds that “whenever an old one missed its leap, it would run from the place and hide itself in some crevice as if ashamed of its mismanagement.” Such inferences, of course, were entirely unwarranted from the facts observed. Now the fact that a newly-hatched garden-spider can make a complete snare without ever having seen the operation performed immediately relegates that action to the realm of instinct,—not less wonderful than intelligence perhaps, but certainly quite distinct from it. With the much discussed origin of instinct we are not here concerned, but a pure instinct differs from intelligence in this: that it is due to inherited nervous mechanism and results in actions the object of which may be quite unknown to the actors. There is no conscious adaptation of means to an end. When a young spider spins a web there is not only no evidence that it does so with the deliberate purpose of catching flies, but many known facts go to prove that it
