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قراءة كتاب Grammar of the New Zealand language (2nd edition)
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
there; e. g., tena, renga-renga, kete, rere.
Few sounds in Maori are more frequently mis-pronounced by foreigners than e. Tohe, ngare, kumea, hoea mai te waka, te reinga, te rangi, rewera, korero, have been all so carelessly pronounced as to sound to the native ear as if spelt, tohi, ngari, kumia, hoia mai ti waka, to reinga, to rangi, Rewara, kororo. The reader should also be careful not to give e the dipthongal sound of ei; as in ne the interrogative particle, &c.
I is pronounced like the French i; as ee in sleep, green, &c.; when distinctly and fully pronounced it imparts much melodiousness to the sentence; e. g. ariki, kīki, to chatter, &c.
In the following it has a shorter sound: kĭki, crowded; mĭti, tĭti, &c.
N. B.—The speaker should be careful not to confound i with the Maori e; as in such words as wakatoi, hoi, &c.
Has a long and a short sound, a long; as toto, to drag.
A short; as toto, blood.
N. B.—We have no sound in Maori to correspond to the o in not, hot, pot, &c.
This sound is also uniform in kind, and always corresponds to oo in book, &c. It sometimes, however, experiences a more quick, sometimes a more slow pronunciation.
The following table exhibits two variations beginning with the shorter:—
1. | 2. |
tŭri, a knee. | tŭtū, disobedient. |
tŭtŭ, same as tupakihi of Ngapuhi. | tūtū (manu), a birdstand. |
kŭkŭ, a shell. | kūkū, a pigeon. |
kŭhu. | tūtūa. |
hūna. | |
ŭtŭ, to pay. | ūtu, to draw water. |
In pronouncing u the speaker will have to guard against the error of those who prefix the aspirate when no aspirate is admissible. According to them u, utu, &c., are pronounced as if spelt hu, hutu.
He will also have to beware of the more common and stubborn error of giving u the dipthongal sound of u in cube, tube, mute, &c.—tonu, ketu, tonutia, are, in this way, pronounced as if spelt toniu, toniutia, ketiu.
U, again, is sometimes, by careless speakers, confounded with o, and vice versâ. Thus ihu, nose; niho, tooth; have been erroneously pronounced as if spelt iho, nihu.
This portion of Maori literature has been as yet but little explored; and as each person's notions will vary with the acuteness of his ear, and the extent to which his judgment has been exercised, we may be prepared to expect a considerable discrepancy of opinion.
We shall therefore proceed with caution, and offer only what may be most useful, and most necessary for the student.
The field of discussion may be much limited if we first define what we mean by the word "dipthong."
The best definition we can find, and the one most suited to the nature of the dipthong, is, we think, that of Mr Smith, in Walker. "A dipthong," he says, "I would define to be two simple vocal sounds uttered by one and the same emission of breath, and joined in such a manner that each loses a portion of its natural length; but from the junction produceth a compound sound equal in the time of pronouncing to either of them taken separately, and so making still but one syllable."
Following this definition, three tests for a dipthong suggest themselves.
1. The emission of the two sounds by the same breath.
2. Their amalgamation, or more correctly, their coalescing; for each vowel in the Maori dipthong is distinctly heard.
3. The abbreviation of the natural length of each simple sound.
In applying these rules to the dipthongs, it will be perhaps most prudent to divide them, under the present imperfect state of our knowledge, into two classes. 1. The certain, or those of the dipthongal character of which there can be but little question. 2. The doubtful, or those upon which inquirers may be likely to entertain different opinions.
The dipthongs which we consider certain, are as follows:
- aa, ae, ai, ao, au, ee, ei, ii, oo, ou, uu.
On these we will offer a few remarks.
Those dipthongs which are formed by a double letter, such as aa, are distinguished by a stronger and fuller sound; as in Wakaaro, rapuutu, &c.
Is a sound for which it is difficult to find a parallel in English, and which most speakers confound with ai in such words as waewae, waeroa, paewae, &c.
The English aye comes perhaps closer to it. It must be pronounced broad and open, and care must be taken to keep out the squeezed sound of the i.
May be well represented by the i in shine.
Has no representative in English that we are aware of. In pronouncing it, the speaker must be careful to let the o be distinctly, but not too prominently, heard; and considerable care will be required to keep it distinct from au in the following words, as otawhao, whawhao, tao, hao, &c.: neither again must the speaker divide the dipthong into two syllables, as some speakers do in otaota, &c.
May be pronounced like ou in drought, trout, pound, &c.
May be represented by the ai in hail, pail, &c. Care must be taken not to suppress altogether the i, as is sometimes done in such words as tenei, penei, &c.
Is a sound of some difficulty. There is no sound that we are aware of in the English language that exactly corresponds to it. Low, sow, mow, &c., may be made to resemble it, by pronouncing them slowly, and letting the sound die away into u.
Most foreigners are apt to pronounce it as a simple o. The first syllable of koutou is one of very difficult pronunciation. Without great care it will be variously pronounced, as if koitou, kotou, or kutu.
By not attending to these distinctions the speaker will often lose the benefit of a good thought. A speaker, guarding his hearers against spiritual temptations, borrowed his illustration from a poukaka (the perch for the parrot by which it is caught,) telling them that Satan often presents poukakas to attract them to ruin; unfortunately, however, instead of poukaka he used pokaka, a squall of wind and rain, and only expressed his point by exciting their risibility.
The doubtful class of dipthongs are au, (as in mau, for thee, tau, thy,) ai, (as in maia, brave) ea, eo, eu, io, iu.
On these we do not wish at present to make many observations. We believe that there is a considerable difference amongst Maori speakers respecting them. Our own idea is, that there may be a few occasions on which some might be considered dipthongs; and that those occasions are, the position of