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قراءة كتاب A History of American Literature

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
A History of American Literature

A History of American Literature

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

c1">Available Editions

Charles Deane, editor. 1896.

W. T. Davis, editor. 1912.


Cairns, W. B. Early American Writers, pp. 27-44.

Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 93-130.

Thomas Morton. New English Canaan, or New Canaan. Amsterdam, 1637.

Available Editions

Force. Historical Tracts, Vol. II, No. 5. 1883. C. F. Adams, editor.

Prince Historical Society Publications. 1888. C. F. Adams, editor.


Cairns, W. B. Early American Writers, pp. 60-72.

Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 28-30.

Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 147-156.

Nathaniel Ward. The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. London, 1647.

Available Editions

Force. Historical Tracts, Vol. III, No. 8. 1906.

Ipswich Historical Society of Ipswich, Mass. Publications.


A Memoir of Nathaniel Ward. J. W. Dean. 1868.


Cairns, W. B. Early American Writers, pp. 112-124.

Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 18-20.

Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 147-156.

Roger Williams. Works. Edited by members of the Narragansett Club. Providence, 1866-1874. 6 vols. Contains likewise J. Cotton’s contributions to the controversy with Williams, together with a bibliography of Williams’s works.

Available Edition

Letters from 1632 to 1675. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., Ser. 4, Vol. VI.

Biography and Criticism

Carpenter, E. J. Roger Williams; a Study of the Life, etc. Grafton History Series. 1909.

Masson, David. Life of John Milton, Vols. II, III.

Straus, Oscar S. Roger Williams, the Pioneer of Religious Liberty. 1894.


CAIRNS, W. B. Early American Writers, pp. 94-111.

Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopedia of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 32-38.

Stedman and Hutchinson. Library of American Literature, Vol. I, pp. 246-253.

Literary Treatment of the Period


Barker, J. N. The Indian Princess; an Operatic Melodrama (1808), in Representative Plays by American Dramatists (edited by M.J. Moses), Vol. I. 1918.

Custis, G. W. P. Pocahontas, or The Settlers of Virginia; a National Drama (1830), in Representative American Plays (edited by A.H. Quinn). 1917.


Emerson, R. W. Discourse at Concord, 200th Anniversary. Works, Vol. XI.

Lowell, J. R. New England Two Centuries Ago. Works, Vol. II.

Whittier, J. G. A Chapter of History, in Literary Recreations and Miscellanies.


Austin, Mrs. J. G. Standish of Standish.

Austin, Mrs. J. G. Betty Alden (sequel).

Austin, Mrs. J. G. David Alden’s Daughter.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Gray Champion and The Maypole of Merry Mount, in Twice-Told Tales.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Young Goodman Brown, in Mosses from an Old Manse.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter.

Johnston, Mary. By Order of the Company.

Johnston, Mary. The Old Dominion.

Motley, J. L. Merry Mount.

