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قراءة كتاب Insect Architecture

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‏اللغة: English
Insect Architecture

Insect Architecture

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@45496@[email protected]#Page_261" class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">261

113. Capricorn-Beetle rounding off bark of tree 262 114. Cerambyx carcharias, and Cerambyx populneus 263 115. The Mole-Cricket 265 116. Nest of Mole-Cricket 266 117. Acrida Verrucivora depositing her eggs 269 118. Transformations of the Cockchafer 276 119. Ant-hive or Formicary 291 120. Floor of Ant-nest 292 121. Insecure Nest propped up by Ants 293 122. Nest of Wood-Ant 295 123. Artificial Formicary 298 124. Portion of a tree tunnelled by Jet Ants 302 125. Formica fuliginosa 304 126. Crematogaster 310 127. Nests of Polyrachis bispinosa and P. textor 311 128. Termes bellicosus in the winged state 317 129. Queen Termite distended with eggs 320 130. Tree-nest of Termites arborum, and Hill-nests of T. bellicosus 324 131. Turret-nests of White Ants 326 132. Leg and Pro-leg of Caterpillar 331 133. Caterpillar of Goat-Moth 332 134. Interior structure of Cossus 333 135. Side view and section of Silk-tube of Cossus 334 136. Labium of Cossus 334 137. Cocoons of Emperor-Moth 343 138. Cocoon of Arctia villica 345 139. Net-work Cocoon 345 140. Nest of Puss-Moth 347 141. Caterpillars of small Ermine on Siberian crab 351 142. Winter-nests of Porthesia chrysorrhœa public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@45496@[email protected]#Page_352" class="pginternal"
