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قراءة كتاب Pioneer Life in Illinois

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Pioneer Life in Illinois

Pioneer Life in Illinois

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 1

Pioneer Life in Illinois

Photograph and signature of F M Perryman

Title page

Pioneer Life
in Illinois


Kerr’s Printing House,




IN presenting this little book to the public, the author would not dare to claim perfection, for to err is human, but we have sought to give the conditions as they existed in this country in early days, and we have not sought to display style or learning, but we have sought to give the little book the same tone and as near in the same language that we used in early days as prudence will allow, and we will leave the reader to judge of the merits of the little book for himself; and we hope the good people will pardon any errors they may find. We hope you will be interested in the reading of it, and if some thoughts are presented which will prepare the readers the better for the battles of life and for usefulness to others, then we are well repaid for all our trouble.

The Author.




WE believe as the Author of this book is so well known through this part of the country it would hardly be necessary to write much of an introduction; but by being solicited by friends who had learned that we were born and raised here in Illinois, we consented to do so; Mr. Chalfant first spoke of it then many others.

You will find the little book entirely original, nothing borrowed, and what you find herein that is good or bad, is our own production. The book does not take sides in party politics or church denominations, but the Author has given some of his own thoughts on different questions.


Table of Contents

Transcriber's Note: This table of contents has been created by the transcriber to aid the reader.
Preface 11
Introduction 12
Cares 13
Occupations 14
Eighty Years Ago 15
Sixty Years Ago 17
Traveling in Illinois 20
Names of the Early Settlers 21
Going Back 22
The Drill 24
No Divorce 26
Billy and the Wolves 28
Disadvantages 29
The Bear Chase 31
The Wolf Chase 33
The Coon 36
The Beauties of Nature
